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  1. Omium

    Rep basketball

    Er. I used to play rep basketball. I used to play for the Parramatta Wildcats. I havent played in a few years, however i will be playing Youth league next year.
  2. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I thought i saw Omie Jay today.... However it wasn't him :(
  3. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Its a RED bus. Yes you can travelpass it.
  4. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I don't find them too bad. Is it me or is Sydney Buses very crap this semester ?
  5. Omium

    Bill Donohue is a crazy, sick motherfucker.

    Troll or Genuinely insane ?
  6. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Was i carrying a pro-Chavez Communist sign ?
  7. Omium


    When i did physics (last year) There were no benchmarks like "Get over 30 in final to pass the course". If that were the case your lecturer's would have clearly stated it (numerous times) in your lectures.
  8. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Im approx 2.61 metres and Im Cuban/Venezualean. Hail Lord Chavez....
  9. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Am i the only person that see's this thread on 1 page before the last post. (NOTE: If you don't understand the last sentence then you aren't experiencing it)
  10. Omium

    HD Average

    Let me guess. You want to transfer into med and hence you want a HD average ? If Med Science dudes do similar courses as Science people then its not a matter of "difficulty" rather if you spend a lot of time revising and studying, you will get your HD average.
  11. Omium

    Do your friends/family know you post on bos?

    Yes. I don't care, i go on BoS at uni and home. What's there to be ashamed about ?
  12. Omium

    How tall are you?

    2.00 metres. 6"6
  13. Omium

    timetable clash?

    Do MATH1231 in summer. Imagine, 8 weeks of JUST MATH. It would be quite achievable to HD it.
  14. Omium


    Was Just kidding. :)
  15. Omium


    As an asian (technically) i find this statement highly offensive.
  16. Omium

    NBA playoffs

    I like it how Sportscenter refer to the Cavs as the "Lebrons". Hmmm This next series will be quite interesting. I say Lakers in 6.
  17. Omium

    electrical engineering.. + chemistry?

    Er. In a few years time you'll rethink that statement. Do Engineering/Science. Major in chemistry. It takes a year extra but if you really like chemistry then do it. Alternatively, you could simply pick chemistry subjects as your electives, so in the end you will probably do 3-4...
  18. Omium

    Swine Virus

    The "Swine flu" is really the Prior plague sent by the Ori. No need to worry, some Jaffa dude is gana come save us.