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  1. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ah. Ok. What course you doing by the way?
  2. Omium

    Overheard at UNSW

    Ohhhh. Me and my friend were walking past Keith burrows theatre. And there were these two wogs fighting, The fatter wog said to the skinnier wog "oi bro, you slept with my cousin eh!" and the other one said "nah mate i didn't for shit, eh". then he goes "i will call all my fully sick...
  3. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Do PHYS2160 ( i think thats the code) Its an astronomy course. Or do Biophysics. They assume you know nothing about biology. :)
  4. Omium

    Medicine and people considering it

    Do something practical. Become a physicist. :) We devised all your doctors instruments anyway.
  5. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ah, so I'm not the only one getting them. lol at how gullible the people sending them think we are.
  6. Omium

    Overheard at UNSW

    "The Omie Jay effect" :)
  7. Omium

    Overheard at UNSW

    I sense a 1000 post thread in the making. I should make my mark early
  8. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    I feel like this everyday. :)
  9. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    If i have to do one more change of variable, i will seriously cry. This assignment has brought me to the brink. bksejfb;desbfrljsbdeljgfbdjktbgdfjb
  10. Omium


  11. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    UNSW tricked me. They gave me one day off....... As i started singing praises of them, they smack me with three 9 am starts and a 10 am start. Bastards
  12. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Good point, Ill bring that up with him.
  13. Omium

    NBA playoffs

    I Believe
  14. Omium

    I thought you were dead. Ah, good times.

    I thought you were dead. Ah, good times.
  15. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I've been on this same Quantum physics problem for a week and a half now. It doesnt work. IT JUST DOESNT WORK !! :( I've tried 100 000 change of variables. For those interested 2(b) This is me...
  16. Omium

    Survey :) your input would be very much appreciated!

    Questionnaire: Personal Info Age: 19 Gender: Male Would you consider yourself to be an impatient person? No Do you currently use a car as your main form of transportation? No If so, how often? If you do use a car, how often would you catch public transport? For...
  17. Omium

    World Towel day

    Huh ? What the heck is Base 13 and 6x9 = 42 ?
  18. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    The Average for my Quantum physics midsession was 43 % :eek: Our lecturer was very disappointed in us. :(
  19. Omium

    Religious affiliation

    OK, Tafe boy.