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  1. Omium

    The myUNSW hate thread.

    This thread seems familiar.
  2. Omium


    I don't think it would be wise using "conflicting" views of the Holocaust in your Advanced english essays. Pick another topic.
  3. Omium

    Tamil Tigers

  4. Omium

    Tamil Tigers

    OH MY GOD. Right because thats how i normally structure my arguments. I thought my sarcasm was apparent.
  5. Omium

    Tamil Tigers

    In Sri Lanka The good guys beat the bad guys In Gaza The bad guys are winning. Its that simple. :)
  6. Omium

    To the Mathematical Geniuses out there.

    Thanks guys. I figured it out. One last question dumb math question. I don't really understand the change of derivative maths rules. i.e. we will be doing this mathematical problem such as: (THIS IS NOT THE EXACT QUESTION) x = integral (r^2)/(sqrt(a^2+r^2) d/dr. Then...
  7. Omium

    1st Year electives

    Look at this.
  8. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    Nope, I like mechanics so im doing it :) , my PHYS2010 "Mechanics" course was a real let-down, lecturers are/were quite pathetic
  9. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    On a side note, Is anybody else doing CVEN1300 (Engineering Mechanics) in session 2 ? I guess next semester I'll get to know a few civil engineers.
  10. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    IT FREAKING WORKED !!!!!!!!!! Thanks me. ;) Edit: I love you UNSW, finally a day off
  11. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    I print screened my timetable and put it on paint. I then saved it. How the heck do i put it on here as a picture NOT an attachment ?
  12. Omium

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    Oh, we also need something like "He let the kids down"
  13. Omium

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    To complete this thread we need a 13-14 year old girl to say something along the lines of "MaTeW JoHnS iS CuTe, dAt GaL is LiEiNg " or similar
  14. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    This is why i posted on Stormfront... :wave:
  15. Omium

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    Indeed. According to our beloved Matthew Johns sacked by Channel Nine | National News |
  16. Omium

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    Matthew Johns stood down by Channel Nine - LHQNews - The girl consented FFS. She is being referred to as a "victim".
  17. Omium

    The "Stupid Things Said By People On The WebCT Discussion Board" thread

    Student 1: (Commenting about the final) May god help us Idiot Student 2: keep god out of these discussion boards, this is a materials discussion board. Me: OMFG
  18. Omium

    Post your Exam timetable here.

    Ohhh no. Im actually underloading a little. Physics subjects are usually 3UOC. Im doing 5 physics and 1 math (6UOC) subject.
  19. Omium

    Post your Exam timetable here.

    They come out today, This thread is for Exam timetable / Exams related discussion. Prediction: I am doing 6 subjects, 5 of which have final exams. I am predicting i will have 5 exams in a row. (Mon-fri)