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  1. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    After one day of abstaining from this website, I've come crawling back......... Ah well......
  2. Omium

    Does a girl's intelligence intimidate guys?

    girl intelligence. oxymoron ? :)
  3. Omium

    The sleaziest thing someone has said to you

    Unfortunately this didn't happen :(
  4. Omium

    Omium is on a break. feel free to rep whenever you wish :)

    Omium is on a break. feel free to rep whenever you wish :)
  5. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ya, you would be a cool mod. I applied a while back and got rejected :( My behavior is too erratic to be a mod anyway. Ill be on a 4 week break from BoS, to focus on my studies. so ill speak to you all later. :)
  6. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    I took a video of Me pouring liquid nitrogen today but the girl that took the vid got a picture of my face so i cant post it :(
  7. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    For the next month, i will reside in the physics study room.
  8. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    This site is distracting me from my studies :( I think its time for a 1 month break..
  9. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    apologies. i missed that. :)
  10. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    Ok ok you guys finally caught me. :( I'm Omie Jay's elaborate troll. It took you guys long enough to figure it out
  11. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I got no idea, I've never heard of the course, sorry.
  12. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    Oh my......
  13. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I suggest us UNSW'ers start randomly repping each other.
  14. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    Nobody has lol'd or repped my amazingly witty comment. Shame on you UNSW.
  15. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Why is that ?
  16. Omium

    how you doin ?

    how you doin ?
  17. Omium


  18. Omium

    NBA playoffs

    Oh my god. Rockets won. After 7 years of heartbreak, they've made me proud. I am predicting a game 2 victory for the rockets.
  19. Omium

    Dorry from Central

    I was waiting for someone to actually read what i wrote..
  20. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    Make sure you dont make a "wrong turn" hahah. Im very witty aren't I ?