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  1. Carnivour

    Favourite Chemistry Term

    i like flocculation :rolleyes:
  2. Carnivour

    Comparative contributions to UAI

    Arghhh conflicting points!!!! Or am I just missing something? Moreso, if I go with what Laz says, ultimately it means that even after all the moderating, aligning, scaling, etc is done to compensate for the varied difficulty of the subjects, even after I receive the final HSC mark in a...
  3. Carnivour

    Comparative contributions to UAI

    Sorry, I didnt mean to compare 1 unit and 2 unit courses. Maybe to make it clearer, my original question would be better phrased as 95 in Chem contribute more than a 95 in Ancient History. The reason I ask this, is because I've been playing around with SAM, and it seems that a 95 in a higher...
  4. Carnivour

    Comparative contributions to UAI

    Does a 95 in X1 Maths contribute more to your UAI than a 95 in Ancient History? This question applies to all subjects that are scaled vastly different.
  5. Carnivour

    Crying before/during/after Exams

    I think its very unfair to say that people who have had some sort of disruption like a DEATH in the family shouldnt somehow appeal - if someone died in my family, i know i wouldnt be able to function at all. plus, a lot of the time, when the appeals are trivial and insignificant, no attention...
  6. Carnivour

    Australian Idol 2005

    Yeah, I agree about the teeth, however, a lot of singers are reluctant to get dental work done because it changes the shape of their mouth and the way sound comes out.
  7. Carnivour

    Trials :)

    Cathlic Paper, 24/25 (What is history), 23/25 (JFK).
  8. Carnivour

    Australian Idol 2005

    James better get through. He has the best male voice in the comp apart from Dan and is fucking hot. Lee is funny and sweet, but he is just not versatile - can you imagine him singing a 60s themes night?
  9. Carnivour

    should english be compsory

    Good thing that there are still some who believe that history is and should be written like a science - did you know that is one of the foundations of the course?
  10. Carnivour

    Teacher Cheating - Unwarranted Extra Marks Given to Student

    Ha, its kinda funny reading all these comments, because I'm one of those people that gets marks that even I, honestly think, dont deserve. For those people that are telling everyone to stop complaining about unfair treatment, you seem to neglect the fact that teachers are human and will have...
  11. Carnivour

    should english be compsory

    Exactly. I firmly believe that an elementary english course should not have such an incredible range of 'correct' interpretations, thats why they should make compulsory only fundamentals of english, which CAN be marked objectively. And whoever said that history extension is similar to...
  12. Carnivour

    should english be compsory

    It should not be compulsary in the form that it exists now. Essentially, what Advanced and Extension English are based on is the ability to see philosophical links between texts and the real world, thus learning more about the deeper issues that exist in our so-called 'society'. Now, this is...
  13. Carnivour

    SAT Testing

    Thanks very much for that, I'm signing up as I type. Do you know much about these tests? Is it basically an IQ test?
  14. Carnivour

    SAT Testing

    Does anyone have any information about these tests? The SAT tests are used for admissions to US colleges, and Mac Uni is the only centre in Australia that does these tests. So does anyone know who I can call or where I can inquire about the details? Thanks in advance.
  15. Carnivour

    Rock Star: INXS

    when is this blasted show on!!! i come across it totally randomly every time, and they never say when its on next!!!
  16. Carnivour


    its not a reality show - confirmed by producers. read it in the newspaper.
  17. Carnivour

    exams today!!

    Got my trial results back today, CSSA paper - 24/45 Historiography, 23/25 JFK =stoked.
  18. Carnivour


    Why did you chose those two? they are the least of all the pharaohs I feel comfortable discussing!
  19. Carnivour


    No, I chose the right period, but the totally stupid option - infact, I was the only one out of 54 kids that chose that option. I think it went something like.... a) Explain the Theban reunification of Upper and Lower Egypt OR b) Evaluate the reigns and contribution of Amenhotep II AND...
  20. Carnivour


    I did something very similar in my exam - for my historical periods question I misread it - the easier option was worded in a totally foreign way that I had never encountered before, therefore I wasnt prepared to write an entire essay on a topic that I could have misinterpreted and ended up...