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  1. Carnivour

    Writing Fast - crash course :D

    think sentences ahead. think of how what you are writing now can be linked to something else. dont stop writing to think. and yes, do what everyone else said - dont hold the pen too tightly, chose one that glides easier. speaking of which, whats the general concensus? gel or ink?
  2. Carnivour

    The HSC Advice Line thread

    I rang up a couple of days ago and asked about the meaning of textual integrity, and she told me the exact opposite of what my teacher told me. Then I talked to some other people, and confirmed that what the advice line lady told me was wrong. So bewary people!
  3. Carnivour

    Who's the YOUNGEST 2005 HSC Student in here?

    Ah, if it isnt my stellllla connection. Where have you been lately? I need to discuss some more advantages of sporks.
  4. Carnivour

    Why am i not scared?

    Heh, I'll join this lovely group of non-stressers. Its great, everyone around me is a nervous wreck, but I feel like its just like any other day.
  5. Carnivour

    Who's the YOUNGEST 2005 HSC Student in here?

    Yeah, the other 12 year old boy goes to my school, he got 96% in X2 maths trial :rolleyes: Myself, I'm 16, turning 17 on the 24th October, maths exam day :(
  6. Carnivour

    Results release dates

    When are the HSC marks released? When are the UAIs released?
  7. Carnivour

    Your standards

    You'll die of shame if you get under... 90 You won't tell anyone what you got if you get less than.... 90 You will be satisfied with over... 98 You'll be bloody estatic with over... 99
  8. Carnivour

    HTA 2005 Essay Prize

    Yeah, mine got entered as well as another girl's from my school, but we havent heard anything about them since, so I was just wondering. And I never even filled an application form in, my teacher just did it all. Unless she forgot or something. Meh, either way doesnt really bother me, I was...
  9. Carnivour

    Hsc 2006

    Its people like this that perpetuate the mood and hype that surrounds the HSC year and make me sad. I wish more people would realise early on that its the last year of your school life, and its a time to celebrate everything you have achieved spiritually, the distance you have come since you...
  10. Carnivour

    HTA 2005 Essay Prize

    2005 HTA Ext History Prize Have they been announced yet? I've heard from some people that they have, and from others that they get announced in early 2006.
  11. Carnivour

    2005 UAI's

    heh, a month later. by strictly, i mean that there is a specific set of criteria that they are looking for to obtain full marks. i realise this sounds like for a lot of subjects, but in physics in particular you HAVE to mention certain things to get the marks, not for example a range of...
  12. Carnivour

    Australian Idol 2005

    Im quite dissapointed that Roxanne left, considering that Daniel and Milly are still there. However, I think the bottom 3 was very fair. I feel sorry for Roxi because she does have an incredibly...accurate, for lack of a better word, voice, but its just so damn annoying. James, on the other...
  13. Carnivour

    who is THE MOLE?

    its kristy. the way she even said "i dont see it as MY money just yet" when they were talking about the prize money. and she screwed up sooooo many things that episode. its kristy. id bet money on it.
  14. Carnivour

    to underline or not to underline

    rest assured, even though they technically can ask for it, it will never happen. want to know why? because they genuinly want to see who has better skills, therefore do a genuine rank. if they ask for a specific episode or poem, they are instantly advantaging those who studied those. theres...
  15. Carnivour


    The whole courtroom "truth" idea is definetely related. After consulting with my English teacher who is a HSC marker, I used an episode from Law and Order for a practice essay, and my essay got full marks (I wish I had done that for the trials. My Bowling for Columbine only got an 18 :( )...
  16. Carnivour

    2005 UAI's

    so is a 95 in physics. they mark it extremely strictly, harder than chem, this coming from my physics teacher, who was a senior physics marker last year.
  17. Carnivour

    The Value of History

    Is it with respect to any particular culture? If its Australiana, then the quest for public/national identity comes to mind.
  18. Carnivour

    Minoan Essay Notes

    Thanks heaps for those.
  19. Carnivour

    how did you do in the ancient history trials???

    CSSA Hatshepsut - 21/25 New Kingdom Egypt - 21/25 Athens in the time of Pericles - 21/25 Minoans - 24/25 Overall, 87%, which was 2nd in the trial (top being 91%). However, I'm 1st overall with 94.