Search results

  1. Carnivour

    Which subject is everyone pissed off about?

    chemistry. grrrrrr. the subject i studied by far the most for (actually pretty much the only one i even touched in STUVAC), and my lowest mark by a mile.
  2. Carnivour

    All about Preferences and Offers

    I just want to double check well as changing the order of preferences, I can also ADD NEW preferences before 5th of Jan? Because on the inside front cover of the UAC guide it said that the last date for applications to be included in the Main Round was on the 9th of December? I'm a...
  3. Carnivour

    What UAI did you get?

    English - 97 Ancient - 98 Maths - 92 XMaths - 45 XHistory - 46 Phys - 80 Chem - 81 Phys didnt count, but chem raped my uai like theres no tomorrow...98.55. More than I wanted/needed for ANU Law, but a few extra points would have been handy for scholarships and such. Oh and btw, my...
  4. Carnivour

    Top in state - first place recipients notified

    Any other Bosers? Well done Merewether: 3 firsts :)
  5. Carnivour

    Ok, let the betting begin....

    haha woohoo i love what you guys have made of this thread. ok, i'm going to place two bets - Slidey, and also I think Dreamerish will (although Ive never talked to you or anything) - just a sneaking instinct from what ive seen/read on BoS :) This post has been glittermarked!
  6. Carnivour

    2005 people... a week to go for UAIs!

    Holy shit people, calm down. I havent thought more about it than maybe a couple of times when my parents are "oooo 4 days to go! are you nervous?" and im like "no, go away, couldnt give a shit". i need 95+ but if i dont get that BIG WHOOP the world is such a huge fucking place, theres so many...
  7. Carnivour

    Any one get evicted or have cyco people in their units :D

    haha you have no idea how annoying that was....we got plenty of funny looks from passerbyes as we sat on street benches transferring alcohol from glass to plastic water bottles
  8. Carnivour

    Any one get evicted or have cyco people in their units :D

    Haha thats pretty funny ^. We were at the Beachcombers and a friend of our's was staying in one of our rooms without actually being checked in or anything (he decided to fly up to surfers' halfway through schoolies so we just told him to sleep in our rooms), and he used the ID of another...
  9. Carnivour

    got a fetish?

    I love lips. Red, hot, throbbing. Although shape matters more than size. Eg. fish lips are a no-go. I absolutely cannot be attracted to a man if i find his lips lacking. When I find a gorgeous set of lips they drive me insane.
  10. Carnivour

    Id Advice read this first anyone who plans to spend 35-50 bucks on this scam :) bouncers and police have been well aware of these "novelty IDs" for quite some time now, so chances are you will get caught.
  11. Carnivour

    Schoolies in the media

    the red froggers were awesome - we made friends with one group of them, and they sat in our room for hours at a time. and seriously, they took our garbage out and cooked us our stakes and our pancakes...dont get much better than that
  12. Carnivour

    Official song of schoolies 2005:

    ive been saying this very thing to all my friends all week :) Gold digger all the way
  13. Carnivour

    Ok, let the betting begin....

    Who are the big guns this year for the top UAIs? Last year I had a general idea who to expect big things from, ie Laurie Field, but this year, it seems its very vague...anyone wanna place any bets? Edit (glitterfairy): Hi everyone, just for fun I'm keeping track of the votes so far. Before I...
  14. Carnivour


    plus, its the difference between the ranks that matters, not the actual numerical ranks themselves. and since there was only 0.5 mark of a difference, it ultimately wont matter at all, so dont worry about it
  15. Carnivour

    Who calculated the ranks? School/BOS...

    It seems that in our year there are at least 4 people ranked 2nd in English, which seems like a pretty stupid thing to do, right? It means that if one of those people doesnt do well in the exam, the rest will get pulled down, right? And its annoying also, because really, there was no way...
  16. Carnivour

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    was the report a final overall report or just a semester report? i know that the report i got given before i left was only for semester 2, therefore the ranks were different than the overall yearly ranks the school submitted to the board.
  17. Carnivour

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    15020 Ancient History 1 / 15 15050 Chemistry 1 / 18 15140 English (Advanced) 2 / 72 15240 Mathematics 1 / 49 15250 Mathematics Extension 1 6 / 21 15280 History Extension 2 / 6 15330...
  18. Carnivour

    Extension History - General thoughts

    I loved the first question. It was good in the sense that you couldnt really have pre-prepared a responce and just regurgitated it because it WAS so narrow and specific. And I was surprised to see many people talk about a whole bunch of historians...that in my opinion was really unnecessary, as...
  19. Carnivour

    WHO left early?!

    I didnt have enough time :rolleyes:
  20. Carnivour

    HSC Exam

    Actually, it gets even crazier. I just got told by a boy in my ext history class that he had/has: Monday :Ext English Tuesday: Ancient Wednesday: Chem Friday: Phys, Ext History Oh man, do not want to be him right now.