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  1. Carnivour

    Prison Break (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    i loved the bit where there was the gangstas and the "This is War" music came on. it made me laugh.
  2. Carnivour

    Late Round Offers out Wednesday 9pm

    i got Bachelor of Architecture, B Architecture/B Arts, B Architecture/B Social Science at UNSW, it was my 5th pref, i already got all my other preferences in previous rounds. not sure what the cutoff for that was.
  3. Carnivour

    Late round offers in the SMH

    ahaha me too! i opened email this morning and theres this email from UNSW congratulating me on my offer to Architecture. bahahaah funny because it was my 5th preference, and i got all my other preferences in the previous rounds and forgotten all about the other prefs ...but ive deferred the one...
  4. Carnivour

    wat hair style did u hav 4 da formal???

    year 10: dead straight hair, but i had short chin-length hair with a straight fringe (Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction) year 11: curls pulled back on top of my head year 12: losely braided on one side and pulled back in curls. curls are much nicer than dead pony hair methinks.
  5. Carnivour

    Hair Dye Stains on Skin. ..

    yeah i get the nail thing alllllll the time. so annoying. i find that nail polish remover works best. other than that, let it grow out i spose.
  6. Carnivour

    Aus Open

    Yeah, I'm pretty sick of critical moments in sport hanging in frail human hands. Especially in some of the biggest sports in the world, ie tennis and soccer. It makes absolutely no sense, and I have no idea why Hawkeye hasnt been brought in yet. These athletes train for their whole lives for...
  7. Carnivour

    Are guys who cry more attractive?

    i hate it when guys cry over trivial matters to try and appeal to me for pity or sympathy. i hate it when guys dont cry even though they are bursting at the seams because of some stupid mucho act i love it when guys let loose in a sincerely heartfelt manner, especially those guys that you...
  8. Carnivour

    Uni Comparisons

    neither was newcastle sif it wasnt the easiest to make fun of they cant afford new lightbulbs
  9. Carnivour

    Aus Open it was actually a great call because it was out. so under the pressure, the umpire made the right call. overall, it was a great game in the beginning. i would have liked to see a closer match at the end, would have been more suspenceful and exciting. but baggy is only a young'un im...
  10. Carnivour


    is it wrong that i like the pain? :o
  11. Carnivour

    asking for phone numberz

    haha yeah, see thats what i think too. call me old-fashioned but you know....
  12. Carnivour

    Engineering - is it worth it?

    bahahahaha my brother is a genious, so firstly its highly unlikely that i would be offered a job at princeton straight after finishing phd with that kind of starting salary. so im not planning on 75 straight out of uni. however if its in a field i know i will enjoy because i know exactly what it...
  13. Carnivour

    Engineering - is it worth it?

    Ok, well, I'm not in engineering at the moment, although I have defered my mechatronic (space) at USyd for next year. However, I will respond on behalf of my brother, who completed bachelor of environmental engineering (which is essentially civil engineering) at Newcastle. He also completed...
  14. Carnivour


    shit....i CANNOT believe that i started this thread a year ago. times goes so bloody fast. anywho, here is the proposal which got me 10/10. mind you though, i changed the question fairly substantially, ended up getting 49/50.
  15. Carnivour

    asking for phone numberz

    awww :) just think, when i come back we can make beautiful quad-lingual babies. ...IF i come back. :uhoh:
  16. Carnivour

    How many sexual partners have you had? 2 doesnt make me feel like a slut or loser. stas didnt make this a public vote so no, you cant see what others voted. im also fairly surprised at the resounding no sex lead. but i guess things have to be readjusted to an internet forum.
  17. Carnivour

    asking for phone numberz

    awesome i was just looking for guys' opinions on the matter. ofcourse i can ask for their number, ive done it before, although those times i wasnt particularly interested. i was just curious whether guys wait for girls to give/ask as much as girls do (or i do). obviously pretty flawed logic on...
  18. Carnivour

    asking for phone numberz

    ok question for guys. is asking for a girl's phone number a huge step for a guy? should i just give it myself? im referring to situations where after talking to a guy i just met if i dont give my number im unlikely to ever see him again. its happened to me heaps where i would spend time with a...
  19. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    ofcourse i realised you were st nick.;) youre awesome dude. you've stirred my passion. :o
  20. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    haha beat that Leila, he's all mine now :) im not an insomniac....maybe im just running a fever? who knows. sweet dreamz :sleep: