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  1. Carnivour

    Lip Piercings

    Well, yeah I was thinking that when the metal pliars in my lips were shaking like crazy. But, it wasnt like a seedy place at all, it was the only one where I was anyway (Forster). It was a fully licenced tattoo/pierci ng parlour. I wasnt really to know :( Hmmm..maybe I should have waited...
  2. Carnivour

    Lip Piercings

    haha omg, im really not making any sense at all tonight. i fully misread what you said. disregard my last post hahah
  3. Carnivour

    Lip Piercings

    haha awesome! let me know yesterday how it goes :p and thanks, i appreciate it. :)
  4. Carnivour

    Lip Piercings

    I just got my lip pierced, and I was wondering if anyone who has had it done knows what is the best way to look after it? What is the best mouth wash to use, etc? Should I use those alcohol wipes? The guy who did it was really young (and really hot), and I think pretty unexperienced (judging...
  5. Carnivour

    Abortion debate

    Phanatical, on the whole I agree with a lot of what you say. Until you say things like this: thats just weeeird and bizarre and REALLY freaks me out. i shudder to think of a world where the amount of sex people have is restricted.
  6. Carnivour

    Abortion debate

    what is this fascination with women and their bodies? this is the weakest reason for so-called 'pro-choice' i have ever heard. sure, abortion has everything to do with choice, but it should not be governed by women's bodily necessities. women are just a means by which the whole fucking world...
  7. Carnivour

    Skilled migration

    Re: Skilled migration? The reason why there is such a chronic shortage of doctors is because the Australian Medical Boards sets such insanely high standards, which the federal government has been attempting for combat for a long time now, because realistically lots more people are capable...
  8. Carnivour

    Abortion debate

    so, if you got a girl you loved knocked up, and she wanted to have an abortion, you would want to have absolutely nothing to do with it? thats pretty weak.
  9. Carnivour

    Ever done anything REAAALLY embarrassing?

    OMG hahaah thats great. hmmm...its strange but i cant think of any good embarassing moments, although i swear ive had soo many. actually, there was one that was kinda embarassing...i was on MSN and was talking to a friend, and we were talking about guys in our year. i asked "so, what do you...
  10. Carnivour

    Abortion debate

    to people who say that women ONLY should have a choice regarding abortion, W.T.F.? how can a choice of such great repercussions lie in the hands of only half of the human population? if you want to get really stupid and pathetic, men also get "aborted". in case people have forgotten, australia...
  11. Carnivour

    proposal - Cuban Missile Crisis

    Make sure you aren't doing JFK for your case study, we covered the CMC fairly substantially in class. Having said that, for my project I analysed Che Guevara, and had to make sure I steered clear of the CMC in my project, although all the books I read dealt fairly heavily with it and it was...
  12. Carnivour

    Newcastle tutoring

    Hey, I'm offering tutoring in the Newcastle area for: Ancient History (HSC/Asses 98) English Adv (HSC/Asses 97) ExtHistory (HSC/Asses 46)...I actually got an almost perfect internal score, but put 0 effort into exam because had Phys exam on same day. It was by far my favourite subject...
  13. Carnivour

    Skilled migration

    im 17. yeah, i fully want to get married right now. but i DO want to live in australia right now, go to uni here, enjoy being young here, the place where i believe i deserve to live on the same basis as all the other people i grew up with.
  14. Carnivour

    Skilled migration

    let me enlighten you, all australians i have met are perplexed by exactly the same thing. theres no category for migration because i dont classify as a refugee, i have no skills beyond high-school education, i have no close family here (apart from my brother, whom it took 9 years to obtain...
  15. Carnivour

    never been 'kissed'

    Re: Never Been Kissed thats gold! congratulations. are you a troll?
  16. Carnivour

    BigBlogger Info

    Re: BigBlogger agreed. not good enuf, bos.
  17. Carnivour

    never been 'kissed'

    Re: Never Been Kissed If you are avoiding kissing someone for fear of regretting it, then I think you take yourself a bit too seriously. Even when it comes to sex, people take themselves too seriously. At the end of it all, trust me, you will regret more things that you never did than those you...
  18. Carnivour

    Skilled migration

    I hope it remains as easy to get permanent residency as you make it out to be. I have lived in Australia since the age of 7, all on a visa. My family in Russia is going through hell to put me through uni here. Before you say anything, the thought of going back to Russia scares the big Jesus...
  19. Carnivour

    never been 'kissed'

    Re: Never Been Kissed mmm, although its pretty sad, i think its fairly common (i have a couple of friends in your situation). you are missing out, not only on kissing, but on the spicier things in life. you are only going to be 18 once, you might as well make the most of it. human intimacy is a...
  20. Carnivour

    Topics we can't do

    Yeah, there are always loop holes in syllabi. Although, having said that, I was more than pissed off last year when in my ext hist class one boy did Akhenaten and the other one did the Minoans, both of which we were studying parallelely (lolerz) in Ancient. This, I guess, is a fairly significant...