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  1. Carnivour

    Know anyone, or going it alone?

    i went to the first day of o-week this year even though im deferring till next year, but i though it would be a good idea since i heard that next year o-week wont be as big or as good because of VSU, etc. plus, my two best friends are going to usyd this year, (one in a residential college...
  2. Carnivour

    Movie that made a great impression on you

    haha are you seriuos? i the end reminded me of the qantas ad. i was half-expecting them to start singing "i am austraaaaalian". plus, it was a distubing and shameless hybrid of bladerunner and brave new world. favourite movies and made a great impression on me are vastly different for me...
  3. Carnivour

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats haha i was just about to post about this very thing, but bos screwed up and deleted my post. and a minute later you post about it. haha how very strange. anyway, these freak me out. i know a piercer who for his 21st birthday hired a lap dancer or belly dancer or...
  4. Carnivour

    What Shoes to wear with supatubes

    dang. cant stand girls in skinny jeans and thongs.
  5. Carnivour

    Walk the Line

    this movie was top notch, absolutely loved the characters, especially Joaquin Phoenix, he was great in it. and very sexable too.
  6. Carnivour

    girls with opinions...

    your last paragraph reeks too much of "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation" --Oscar Wilde..............gettit? :o
  7. Carnivour

    girls with opinions...

    Ah, splendid. How delightfully appropriate too.
  8. Carnivour

    girls with opinions...

    say whut? lookie lookie brogan, she stole ur word. or maybe u lied to me :( with re: to the rest of cleopatra's (i think) post, which was full of pretty funny contradictions that made me LOL. you admit to masquerading behind a facade of the dumb brunette and then go on to talk about "a...
  9. Carnivour

    The Perfect Face?

    i dont think a perfect face really exists for me, variety is the spice of life. while i enjoy lusting after so called "perfect men" such as josh holloway (sawyer of Lost) or christiano ronaldo (portugese soccer player) i agree that perfection gets so incredibly boring, especially when it...
  10. Carnivour

    girls with opinions...

    i think thats a bit pressumptious. if by interests you mean philosophy, politics, etc then people who are truly interested in such topics would be willing to share their views and opinions. honestly, ive met plenty such people and most of them arent preoccupied by peer pressure because they...
  11. Carnivour

    The economics of hapiness

    You should read the book Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic. Really good read on this very idea: wealthy countries are stuck in a self-destructive psychological cycle of having too much but wanting even more.
  12. Carnivour

    What Size Are You?

    ive had to buy size 11 shoes once... :(:(:( i like to think that was a freak brand. ill have to check out the supertubes - they definetely sound like the kind of pants i want.
  13. Carnivour

    What Size Are You?

    tops: 12 bottoms: 12 shoes: 10 im 183 cm, really curvy (not fatty 20.9 bmi) and i have a question for tall chicks with my kind of build: where do you buy good, long jeans? ive tried jeans west and just jeans and i seriously havent found a good pair of jeans that are long enough. this applies...
  14. Carnivour

    Moving out

    i moved away from my parents when i was 13. actually, to be more precise, they moved away from me but for totally different reasons to what you are talking about, it was an incredibly reluctant parting which unfortunately had to be done. having said that, i never lived on my own, i lived with...
  15. Carnivour

    girls with opinions...

    hey stollman, i have to say that you have been pretty damn unluckyif you havent found a single girl that lives up to your expectations. i know alot of girls (myself included) who look exactly for a guy like you, if for no other reason than i find a man who is a challenge intellectually sexy...
  16. Carnivour

    Poll - do you care about poverty

    I would never have called myself "passionate" about the issue, but seeing the general responce to the other thread I guess I would classify as such just on the grounds of comparison to everyone else on here. Although it might just stem from the fact I immensely enjoy constructing an argument and...
  17. Carnivour

    Relationships with Friends

    Never truer words spoken. I've never been sexually attracted to someone who I've been friends with. Its not about me fearing that "I wil ruin the friendship", its just that the ones that I fall for the hardest are the ones it only takes one glance, one meeting of the eyes for me to know I will...
  18. Carnivour

    Most under rated movie

    Memento. i dont think it ever got the recognition it deserved for the brilliant directing and acting, as well as the plot line
  19. Carnivour

    proposal - Cuban Missile Crisis

    Actually, I would also agree with your last point. I think the best project I ever read dealt with commy China and Mao Tze Dung (which we all know is a fairly overdone topic), but she actually analyzed how historians have dealt with the concept of "knowledge is power" with relation to prisons in...
  20. Carnivour

    Lip Piercings

    haha cool I see. And here I was thinking Dettol will be my best friend for the next month.