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  1. Carnivour

    What Guys Want

    i read in the SMH (hey, its better than cosmo) the exact opposite. its offficial: sydney has the biggest shortage of available attractive men and a large overproduction of available attractive women. 10:1, infact.
  2. Carnivour

    Skinny Jeans

    "i read in the SMH (hey, its better than cosmo) the exact opposite. sydney officially has the biggest shortage of available attractive men and a large overproduction of available attractive women." haha ill keep this quote in here just so Zoe's post below makes sense :P but i actually posted...
  3. Carnivour

    Whooo Likes Short-Shorts?

    i own two pairs. a black pair and a white pair. but i dont have any particular thoughts about them, neither am i super crazy about them... they are just shorts....??? although id never wear them out. have some class, ladies.
  4. Carnivour

    This is why I don't wear sandals to uni

    ive worn thongs for most of my life and i can safely say that havs are the best. especially now that i walk alot during the day, so i have to save my feet for the night. other thongs have bruised me and made me bleed. :( not havaianas. btw, when a friend of mine from london visited recently...
  5. Carnivour

    darker or lighter?

    LOL. i didnt say they are always beautiful. ofcourse they could be uglier than a horse's arse, but on average they arent, and are more exotic looking than the average white person. everyone knows that, its not about generalising its about averages...
  6. Carnivour

    darker or lighter?

    offspring of mixed couples often are the most beautiful, ie black man with white woman, or asian with white, etc they have the best of both dark/light worlds
  7. Carnivour

    brick stealing comp

    hahahaah. its a residential college but it may as well be a cult, from what i hear.
  8. Carnivour

    brick stealing comp

    St andrews.
  9. Carnivour

    darker or lighter?

    uh, id say on average i would pay more attention to darker guys. but thats not to say ive never found blonde guys attractive. re surfer guys...they are often hot, but id never lust after them, id just look at them and think "yeah, hes hot." but they arent sexy, they havent got that edge.
  10. Carnivour

    DIVA - Do you buy ur jewellery there?

    I've never bought anything there, although I went in a couple of times to have a look around. Basically, I might sound like a snob, but not only is it cheap, but it looks cheap. I'm not all that big on jewellery, so when I do buy stuff, I like to invest into something that looks stunning rather...
  11. Carnivour

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    yeah i did! i dont do it very frequently, only when they do something for the money, like play guitar and sing amazingly like this guy was doing...i also never realised how many homeless buskers are around the cbd with their little signs. i dont look 17. but neither do i look in my 20s. but...
  12. Carnivour

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    yeah, bingo.
  13. Carnivour

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    hi. first of all, i think he's a rare breed of a guy, i personally dont know any guy who would do that. i dont mind that he came up to me, thumbs up to him for that, but my point was more along the lines of me being a bit disturbed by the fact that he followed me, while i went into shops, etc. i...
  14. Carnivour

    brand names - dont they suck!

    yep, totally agree. a lot of the time brands are better quality than your average no-band. like yesterday i bought a towel from target and it left half of its threads on my body...thats where i wanted a brand like Sheridon, which cost about 5 times as much, but obviously much better quality...
  15. Carnivour

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    well, im 17 but i can easily pass for 19. but he looked way older than that. in hindsight, i obviously should have said i was seeing someone, i was just shell-shocked at the time. im fairly outgoing and confident, but i would never in my wildest dreams walk up to someone in the street like that...
  16. Carnivour

    How to NOT pick up...:/

    ok, ive just moved to sydney a couple of days ago for a month or so before i leave to travel. i went shopping today in pitt st mall and there was this gorgeous singer/busker - the best i had ever heard in my life (did anyone on here see him? i want his name badly so i can look out for him in...
  17. Carnivour

    what movie have you cried over???

    yeah, sean penn is in it. hes not retarded in real life, hes an amazing actor, in every single movie ive seen him in. pretty sure he has an oscar? not that it means anything...*mutters about crash*
  18. Carnivour

    what movie have you cried over???

    i had never ever cried in a movie. ever. until i saw I Am Sam. Holy shit. I swear by the end of that movie my body water % went down to 0%. Could. not. stop. bawling.
  19. Carnivour

    Drug Legalisation

    pot talk, yeah?
  20. Carnivour

    Movie that made a great impression on you

    i also have to add American History X, Higher learning and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. :)