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  1. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    congrats brogles, !!! i concede to your hawt intraweb victory !!! i realised, all along ofcourse, that i wasnt being realistic. still, i argued as much for my own aims as for wanting to have some sort of effect on others. for this reason i still have a couple of things id like to say. i...
  2. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    Leila, much heart to you my darling :) :) :) My Russian army will spare you, just this once. Pierotte, I'm honestly not a troll, so your posts have not fallen on deaf ears. Neither am I as arrogant as I have come across in these few posts. Its amazing how people automatically assume that I was...
  3. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    ahem i really dont think my ability to speak languages helps me in any way to avoid memorisation. btw, i would not have chosen english as a subject had it not been compulsory and it angers me that it is. obviously my mistake is in actually wanting to make at least some of the time (200 hours or...
  4. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    oh look, whatever. im not looking for anyone's respect, im arguing against something i believe is inherently wrong using my results as evidence it works and why i think its more beneficial to do it that way. ive posted like 10 times each time explaining why i think its wrong, and if by that...
  5. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    out of curiousity, to everyone else that has posted in this thread, is this YOUR definition of a memoriser? if this is (which i have great doubts about, but nonetheless) HOLY CRAP do you people have absolutely no integrity whatsoever? plagiarism should not be paraded around like some sort of...
  6. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    wow, what the fuck is wrong with your logic also??? thinking in an exam - 2 hours. memorising essays - at least a couple of hours writing the perfect essay x4 (AOS and 3 modules) plus a couple of hours memorising each essay plus the couple of hours of each exam are you guys as stupid as you...
  7. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    haha fair enough Salut. im the first to admit im dissapointed i didnt chose subjects that were my forte, so obviously its my loss. notice how in my post i actually said that? no point attacking something i already stated. my problem, as you have so kindly put it, is i strongly do not agree...
  8. Carnivour

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    haha this thread makes me laugh. I guess i should be fairly proud of not ever, ever memorising an english essay, including the HSC, and getting 97. what is the fucking NEED to memorise? what happened to actually THINKING??? its only a matter of looking at a text and being able to see links...
  9. Carnivour

    QTAC Offers

    UQ St Lucia - B Engineering :)
  10. Carnivour

    Ur UAI and the desired Course!

    Already got all my offers, see below. But I'm an international. UAI: 98.55 ANU: Arts/Law (95.00) UQ: Engineering (no idea about cutoff) Adelaide: Combined Law; also Science/Commerce So I have some decision making to do, but funnily enough I think I'm going to reject all the offers because...
  11. Carnivour

    PRELIMINARY Cut-Offs for 2006

    Wrong. I've just been offered a Preliminary Offer for Arts/Law
  12. Carnivour


    I've actually researched a fair bit into this issue of international rankings of unis since I would like to study abroad. ANU is Australia's highest rated university on the international scale. see if you are interested for a full list of...
  13. Carnivour

    International Undergrad Scholarships

    USyd does nothing for me, but damn baby, neither does ANU. I guess I'm kinda screwed. :)
  14. Carnivour

    International Undergrad Scholarships

    No, just being here doesnt automatically give you one, unfortunately. Did you migrate here with your whole family on the grounds of skilled migration? They tend to be proccessed fairly fast.
  15. Carnivour

    International Undergrad Scholarships

    I'm wondering at what sorts of standards these are given out? I'm an international student from Russia, have been here for...oh 9 years now? I got 98.55 and I know I'm way out of the league for one of these scholarships, but I'm just curious as to how they are given out, ratio of HSC results to...
  16. Carnivour

    UAI without tutors?

    legal studies? methinks i remember you making a rather interesting comment about a certain teacher...perhaps your mum's expertise in legal studies also paid off. :) and i would not say "great teachers" for some of my subjects *AHEM* chemistry physics *COUGH*, shoulda stuck with the english...
  17. Carnivour

    Engineering at Uni of Queensland

    How is the Engineering at Uni of Queensland? And what about in comparison to Law? Are the uni's strengths in either field? At the moment I'm tossing up between that and Arts/Law at ANU. Any thoughts, advice anyone? Thanks, any help would be appreciated.
  18. Carnivour

    Residential Colleges in Uni of Queensland

    ive only just decided to go to UQ and im wondering if its too late now to apply for accomodation at the residential colleges? if not, where would be my best bets to apply to and have a good chance of being accepted? and im actually Russian by birth and citizenship, so i would love to live in...
  19. Carnivour

    Screwed over by Chemistry

    I've heard this is the case with a lot of people. I got 81 for Chem, and I've been averaging 93-95 all year. Quite dissapointing.
  20. Carnivour


    98!!! Both for exam and assessment! So happy :) :) :)