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  1. C

    No more DFEE??

    his post still has the right idea though
  2. C

    "a smart student in a bad education system will achieve more academically...

    how can you even tell when most ppl would define a dumb or smart student after the fact on the basis of their results nfi
  3. C

    Cum - to spit or to swallow?

    well if it gets ejaculated somewhere in the back of the mouth, u have to move it back thru ur whole mouth to spit whereas if u swallow it just keeps going in the same direction, might even miss the tongue altogether (i dunno, lol)
  4. C

    Cum - to spit or to swallow?

    just thinking about the physical details of the situation wouldn't you have to taste it for longer if you spit?
  5. C

    "Pensions should be increased"

    old people are so crazy they refuse to invest their money/make sensible financial decisions because they might lose the pension so they'd rather have $x from the pension than $2x but lose $x/5 pension, etc.
  6. C

    "Pensions should be increased"

    there's not enough of us to get a pension either, we're wedged between 2 sets of baby booms (or will likely be) so the generations on either side of us will rape us for pensions/other crap and we'll get to eat cat food :o
  7. C

    Beef stroganoff portion sizes

    i have made the thread now i wish to read your opinion
  8. C

    Good Places To Take A Nap?

    the wooden shack thingy on scobie heath :D
  9. C

    Cyber Sex??

    lol! relationships during the hsc will make the country's economy like kenya and cyber sex is responsible for increasing the divorce rate :D
  10. C

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    but can we trust a woman with the nation's money? :o
  11. C

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    But only his core word :D
  12. C

    Welcome to nation of university ghettos

    lol! gradient - the math nerd's slur for asians
  13. C

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    i don't understand the labor party's point when they say he can't relate to working people so basically to be pm you should have to be lazy or unintelligent? lol
  14. C

    Arranged Marriages

    shit bump
  15. C

    Welcome to nation of university ghettos

    got 3 letters for u baby U S A fuck yeah :cool:
  16. C

    Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we have.

    is it just me misreading or does he really manage to whine about one thing then whine about the opposite (i.e. contradict himself) within a single paragraph? :D
  17. C

    Welcome to nation of university ghettos

    who gives a shit? if you don't like whitey or can't afford to pay his uni fees, to go uni in your own shithole instead ffs
  18. C

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    fmd that's quite the resume he's got turnbull 4 prez
  19. C

    I'm untalkative

    why? we're always bagging out fobs for sticking to their own & not learning english at least this individual is trying :D