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  1. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    sooo, how about china's human rights record hey? harvested any organs or trampled over any peasants lately?
  2. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    lol, u've obviously never been to france people only say they're arrogant because they're ignorant bogans (or yanks) who go over with nfi about their language & culture and act like they're still in australia, then wonder why ppl get offended :rolleyes:
  3. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    not rly just learn the language, don't be a bogan (or an american) and they're alright
  4. C

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    there should be a tax on luxury particle accelerators!
  5. C

    Homosexuality in Australia

    actually it's been scientifically proven that the first two humans were gay men but they were raped by the rly butch first woman, thus creating the human species so ur wrong sorry
  6. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    needs more faux racism :(
  7. C

    Relationships & HSC

    Re: Getting A Boyfriend In year 12? omg stop jeopardising australia's economic future
  8. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    haha that's awesome all really do rook same :D
  9. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    that's why there was a scandal a few years back about passing azn students who had broken the rules (plagiarising) for the $$$? hd average here btw :rolleyes:
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    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    yeah, u have no idea what i'm talking about
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    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    if the many worlds interpretation of qm is true then we'll just continue existing int he particular universe where the LHC does NOT create a catastrophic black hole and hence we have nothing to worry about :D
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    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    Australia vs Uzbekistan tonite @ 1.30am Socceroos ready for Uzbeks Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Australia kick off their World Cup qualifying campaign on Thursday (AEST) looking to build on the historic friendly 2-1 victory over the Netherlands. The Socceroos did it the hard way on the...
  13. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    you're kidding we get the ones who were too stupid to go to the US or UK unis it's even worse at regional unis, we get the ones who were too stupid to go to the US or the UK or the Sydney unis -_-
  14. C

    ITT: we compare university libraries

    *mental images of geoff leonard standing outside unsw library cursing at it* thank you bos
  15. C

    ITT: we compare university libraries

    newcastle's library stacks up pretty well i'll get my coat
  16. C

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    it's not a stereotype if they all do it :D
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    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    the comments are gold Matthew Johnston writes: The universe did not come about as a result of a 'big bang'.Only Jesus Christ can end the world, not a bunch of scientists. Read your Bible, learn about what happens in the book of Revelations. Posted at 11:14am today
  18. C

    Does God exist?

    haven't we already done this if god is eternal why can't the universe be?
  19. C

    Does God exist?

    The Murdochitler single-handedly convinced just about the entire developed world that drugs are harmful did he? :D