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    Sharia Courts in Britain cue 20 pages :D
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    ejculating before an hsc exam

    only if you cum on a girl's face
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    Your feelings towards internationals.

    No they check ur student number against what type of fees u pay before they give u the "automatic 60% no matter how bad" treatment
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    Costello: 'I don't want the leadership'

    so, in about 6 months? :D
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    damn, he'll have to settle for earning 38k as a medsci grad instead
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    New speed limit

    50 saves lives!
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    Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

    Well it's basically just that the Bohr model isn't correct (just a good approximation for hydrogen-like atoms), it was replaced by a fully Quantum Mechanical model which is based on solving the 3d time dependent schroedinger equation the idea is you can't talk about exact energies, only...
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    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    There was no balance on the midfield, Brett Holman had all the time and space to do whatever he wanted, moaned the coach. "Nigel de Jong, Mark van Bommel and Rafael van der Vaart had trouble anticipating his movement and need to learn from this match" Dutch coach > bosers
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    Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

    here's the maths Calculate Δp, ΔE for an electron within a distance a0 of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, i.e. in the first Bohr orbit. Δx = 0.53x10^-10 m so Δp ≥ ħ/2 Δx = 10^-24 kgms-1. Now since E=p^2/2m this uncertainty in p corresponds to an uncertainty in E. ΔE/Dp ~ ΔE/dp = p/m...
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    Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

    nah ur actually right, well spotted turns out if u apply the UP to the Bohr Model the uncertainty is big enough taht u don't even know if the electron is attached in to the atom anymore (greater than ionisation energy)
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    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    Holman was pretty good against the Netherlands, as much as I don't like to admit it why the fark is burns even in the squad?
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    Medical Science?

    hahaha i like how after 5 pages he still hasn't worked out what an Award is :D
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    Medical Science?

    RIP Emy and you're a complete fucking retard if you think Tibet is in the same situation as Australia ffs
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    Costello: 'I don't want the leadership'

    well a pension increase and temporary cheaper fuel are pretty smart moves if u want the populist vote :D
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    Costello: 'I don't want the leadership'

    ohhh liberals :rolleyes: that's terrible
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    Australia's 2010 World Cup Qualifying Campaign

    Jacob Burns :eek:
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    Medical Science?

    Are you an ostrich? Teacher is earn 38k, my friend have 4 year experience, i am 25 years old with medical degree
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    Medical Science?

    So, what do we all think about Tibetan freedom?
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    Medical Science?

    oh shit katie why did you bother putting all that work into ur industry report when all u had to do was go to and search for "Medical Science" under Industry = Healthcare, remembering to keep the " " silly girl