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  1. M

    Phatty Hotty

    Yep- totally agreed I also agree that fat girls who act as though they are hot is really unnattractive, but i also feel that thin girls who think their gods gift are also really unnattractive. I dont mind confinence, but when someone is really outgoing, loud and over-the-top, it can be really...
  2. M

    Problem with my car

    i got my took my car to the mechanic yesterday. The problem was with the coil springs (or sumfin like that) and the stabliser bar. Its really smooth to drive now- all fixed, im just lucky ive got warrenty:)
  3. M

    got a fetish?

    I have a fetish for those thick bulging veins in guys arms- aww so hot!!
  4. M

    Intelligence: Do you care?

    i cant go out with someone who is really unintelligent, i dont like to feel like i am the smarter one- i dunno y but yea. i like someone who is in between- someone with just average intelligence but someone who has heaps of common sense.
  5. M

    How to tell her?

    Just ask her out casually and then see where it goes from there. If u guys r friends anyway its not gunna look bad if she says no.
  6. M

    Problem with my car

    It was missing a dashboard cluster or something- i dunno but they said that if it wasnt under warrenty it would have cost me like 800 bucks. I was gunna take it back to the dealer cause its under warrenty but now i dunno if i trust them. I no its for free and all but i think ill take it to my...
  7. M

    Problem with my car

    I bought a new car this year- only about 3 months ago its a lancer The dash was ratteling so i took it to the mechanics and they fixed it. Now theres a noise in near the front wheel- like a clanging whenever i go over a speedhump, driveway etc. Ive gotta take it to the mechanic again to fix it...
  8. M

    Ex trying to make me jealous?

    I dont actually think she is being bitchy. I think she truely does want to be friends, not trying to make u jealous. However, i think that u r jealous otherwise u wouldnt hav posted a stupid thread bout it.
  9. M

    Your utopia.

    Machu Picchu- Peru Canada Greek Islands
  10. M

    UAI prediction plz~

    Go to Sam UAI calculator But unfortunately by the looks of those results i doubt u will be lookin at anythin over 50 Good Luck
  11. M

    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    One word.... LESBIANS Na only jokin, i go 2 a co-ed school, but from wat ive heard if all girls schools they r like heaps bitchier... Is that true???:)
  12. M

    New English As Of 2009!!!!!!!

    They'll probably change King lear to The Tempest or sumfin, which is pretty good I dunno y u would want clueless 2 change, its like the easiest one 2 do apparently. At our school i am doing bloody "Chaucers Pardoners Prologue and Tale", it is like the biggest heap of crap i have ever red...
  13. M

    Which episodes are you doing for Frontline?

    Yeah, i think that is right, Pretty crappy- knowing my luck we'll probably get asked a question on the episode i know least about- lol:)
  14. M

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    Wow- u should be proud
  15. M

    this true or not

  16. M

    Is CAFS a girl subject? Are there any guys doing it?

    Re: Is CAFS a girl subject Last year we started off wid like 7 guys and then 5 dropped it. Then at the start of this year the remainding 2 uys also dropped it. So yea i think its a girls subject, we luv it cause its like our gossip class:) :)
  17. M

    Neighbours - A change is coming - 1 min promo

    bet u $10 bucks it wont:)
  18. M

    dumping lines

    Steal Homers sayings y dont u lol- its Been said!! Look on page 1
  19. M

    Pip Topics Of '07'

    Re: Is society & culture worth continuing? DROP IT WHILE YOU CAN!!! Yr 11 SAC is da bomb but yr 12 is shit, id keep legal studies if i waz u However, sum people absolutely luv it so maybe just drop the one that u r worst at