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  1. M

    Big Brother 07

    No way i <3 it!!! Cant wait 2 watch 2night hope daniella goes home:) :)
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    Do You Like English?

    I friggen hate english, its like my worst subject, my teacher makes me wanna fall asleep and he always chooses the most boring texts to study argh!!:burn:
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    When i got mine it friggen killed for like 3 weeks afterwards. I could eat pretty much anything except for apples, corn on the cob and anything really chewy like fantials (although i still ate most of those type of things) When i first got them on, i remember i ate nothing but ice-cream...
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    Seriously, stop msg'in him.... He knows ur interested now just let things take their toll. If he likes u he'll call u, if he doesnt, he wont- Simple. But trust me, if u stop callin him and he does actually like u, he'll cum 2 u- LOL Guys dont like it wen chicks r clingy, so maybe bac off...
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    paw paw ointment

    U can get it from like any pharmacy or priceline store. Its the best stuff, u can use it for everythin. I always use it on my lips, mwah!
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    HELP! Dropping subjects

    I suggest that if you r gettin stressed with 12 units then u should probably drop a subject. However, just make sure that all the subjects that you are left with are developed, because u can only get a UAI if u hav 10 developed units (thats if u wanna get a UAI). Also if u r havin trouble...
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    When do you become 'fully' hard

    Why the fuck do u keep repeating urself all the time, its really lame, u do this in every threadWhy the fuck do u keep repeating urself all the time, its really lame, u do this in every threadWhy the fuck do u keep repeating urself all the time, its really lame, u do this in every threadWhy the...
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    Urinary Tract Infection

    I no one thing, y is it in L&R???
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    Porn not addictive you horny bastards

    Porn doesnt particularly do anything for me. Its okay to watch every now and then for a laugh or whatever, but its not as though i get off on it or sumfin (that kinda sickens me, its kinda desperate). I find gay/lesbian porn quite revolting though (sorry if i offend anyone) :) :)
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    your sexuality?

    The Results Are In!!! Your sex is female. Your ethnicity is Australian. On the sexuality meter you are totally straight! Edit: Most people on that test were unnattractive, i agree with ellen
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    Do you want to go to uni?

    my parents dont really care what i do as long as im doing sumfin, but yeah i really wanna get into uni next year, thats pretty much all im working for... if i dont get in ill feel like its the end of the world. I dont wanna go straight 2 uni but i feel that if i have a gap year i wont wanna go...
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    What was the first CD you bought?

    Holy crap!!! Me too.... With the orange cover, my poor parents had to listen to that every day, i think i wore it out i listened to it that much
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    Spice girls to reunite!

    U watched their movie.... I own it!!! I used to luv them, i wanna go to their concert i think it would be great. Hey, does anyone remember this song from their movie?? I knew all the words wen i ws young We're the Spice Girls, yes indeed. Just Girl Power is all we need. We know how we got...
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    No one thinks big of you ad

    i think u r lookin at the ad too literally... they are not saying that everyone who speeds had a little dick, they are saying that these wankers should stop trying to act better than they actually are. i think the ad is quite realistic... i can recall numerous times where sum1's sped of in a...
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    I am being serious for once.

    Yea, i think u should just say it wen u actually mean in.. Theres no point sayin it if it doesnt feel right
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    Ideal Partner

    Okay everyone, im sure this has probably been done before. But what is your ideal partner like? Their looks, personality etc. My ideal guy is tall with a large build, brown hair, big brown eyes, average body (not fat, not thin, just normal) with brown/tanned skin He is intelligent, funny and...
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    Someone you love or someone who loves you?

    Someone who loves me. But seriously, u wouldnt be getting married unless u both loved each other :confused:
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    How far would you be willing to travel to see your love?

    My friend had a boyfriend that lived in france while she was in australia, it didnt work out (i wonder why), its a shame cause they got along so wel.. i no i couldnt do the long distance thin tho
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    Big Brother 07

    I think it was like 800 and something thousand I think that was so good, i cant stand her, she really shits me
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    Fancy dress party

    Sorry, but no idea i hav can compare 2 dat ^^ However, the school boy/school girl thin would b easy 2 do