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  1. M

    best ice cream in the universe.

    Naaaaa the best ice cream eva is Blue Oasis "Ferrero Rocher" Its Fukin awesome
  2. M

    Those Magnetic Number Plates

    I no, thats wat i hav 2 do aswel, its such a pain in the arse
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    Those Magnetic Number Plates

    They cant be on the window, im pretty sure u hav to hav em near ur number plate, so ur gunna have 2 get magnetic or a metal bracket for ur P's, i suppose ur just gunna hav 2 hav those ugly plate holder until u get off ur P's an on 2 ur silver licence.. Although, my friend was tellin me 2day...
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    Parents Divorced

    Actually u r wrong!! People do get extra UAI points for lots of different reasons If u go to ur career advisor or year co-ordinator and tell them about ur situation they can help u out. I have a friend who is doin alot of sport so she misses out on alot of school, at the end of the year...
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    Those Magnetic Number Plates

    I tried but it didnt work- LOL U can get em from any supermarket etc, but its probably betta if u go 2 a proper car shop cause they would probably b betta quality
  6. M

    Those Magnetic Number Plates

    oops so sorry I have changed it so u dnt winge
  7. M

    Those Magnetic Number Plates

    Those Magnetic "P" Plates Hey i just got my new car "Mitsubishi Lancer" and ive been using those magnetic "P" plates that stick on the paint. Ive been told by numerous people that i shouldnt use those cause it wrecks the paint or somethin..... Is this true? If so, what actually happens? Or...
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    PIP survey: kids/teens & technology - please fill out

    Re: PIP survey: kids/teens & technology - quick & easy - plz fill out Good luck
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    losing weight?

    Re: i need to lose weight FAST If u r finding it hard to control what u r eatin, i have a theory and it works... POST ITS!!!! Seriously, stick them all around your kitchen, on the biscuit jar, on the fridge wherever, and wirte things that will give you an incentive to NOT EAT I write...
  10. M

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    I hate guys who - Think they r betta than every1 else - Worry heaps about how they look or what they r wearin - Smoke - Drink heavily - Take drugs - r really sweet 2 u, but as soon as they r around their friends r complete dicheads - r really skinny - r really overly muscly - who have bad...
  11. M

    dumping lines

    Oh thats terrible!!!
  12. M

    loving my best friend

    No fucking way!!!!!! Dont embarass urself. U r confusing your feelings U just think she is wonderful because she is the person u r closest with and the person that knows the most about u Dont fuck up ur friendship, dont wreck a gud thing
  13. M

    What time do you sleep n get up

    i am one of those people that needs at least 8 hours a nite 2 stay sane. I usualyy go to be about 10pm on weekdays and wake up at 7 am On weekend i stay up to anythin around 4am and sleep to anywhere around 3pm
  14. M

    How did you even start?

    Awwwwwwwwww how perfect:) Completely cliche'
  15. M

    So... who went to see the Harlos Production of King Lear at Bondi?

    Man i feel so sorry 4 u guys, having to do king lear Our school has always done it but this year they changed it to the tempest and it is soooooooooo easy Good luck ne ways xxx
  16. M

    girls wanting it more then guys

    Really...?????? I thought moaning was a turn off Im always heaps quiet, cause i dont feel comfortable moaning
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    The World of Pick-Up Line

    You seem to have plent of pick up lines..... But the question is..............DO THEY WORK????????.......................................
  18. M

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Damn straight, Ill second that
  19. M

    You & Your partner's KINKS

    I agree Teddys got it goin on
  20. M

    girls wanting it more then guys

    yea, it is very weird for a guy to decline sex I think he is either gettin it somewhere else, he is no longer interested in u or maybe he was just tired hopefully he was just tried, for youer sake XXX