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  1. M


    Obviously he does not fancy u right at this moment. But instead of sulking about it and not calling him, maybe u should just show him just how fun u really are....... Then that may show him that u r the right 1 for him. No friendship testing tho cause it neva works
  2. M

    the subject you have the least confidence in.

    Maths- i hate it sooooooooooooooooooooo much
  3. M

    Are you a trusting person?

    hey i am pretty trusting. I pretty much trust everyone i know but some alot more than others However my trust is easily broken (-:
  4. M

    i messed up.. thoughts?

    Damn strait
  5. M

    What's your sexuality?

    I am very straight, But i dnt hav a problem at all with homosexuals :wave:
  6. M

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    my favourite subjects are the humanities like society and culture and Community and Family Studies, they are also my favourite, I think if you like a subject u r more likely to wanna do well in it, so therefore u study harder for it
  7. M

    The Age of Chivalry

    Can i just say that i like chivalry, i like to have doors opened for me and all that other stuff, But i was actually discusssing this thread with a friend tha other day and she hates the idea of it. She thinks that it is belitteling when i guy opens a door for her, as if she cant do it her...
  8. M

    Anglo-Saxon females in Yr. 11/12?? Please do my PIP questionnaire-HSC Pressure

    __________________________________________________ 1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest priority) how important is your education in your life at the moment? 9- it is pretty important 2. Do your parents think your education is more important than you...
  9. M

    If you lose weight, do you lose your chest as well?

    It depends on the person. I lost 10 lg's a few years ago and i went from a 16B to a 12 DD. Now i hate my boobs, but i love the fact that i am thinner and more healthy
  10. M

    losing weight?

    Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight? hell yes- i am the same Ive been on a diet for as long as i can remember :bomb:
  11. M

    bad boys or good boys???

    mmmmmmmmmm good answer lol:)
  12. M

    bad boys or good boys???

  13. M

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Even if i hav hints i dnt think i would, i suppose ill just hav 2 stay single until the rite guy cums 2 me lol......
  14. M

    The Age of Chivalry

    Yeah, that is why u r sitting home on the computer all day ALONE
  15. M

    platonic relationships...

    I would probably agree wid that.................... Just try and go back to the way it was, totally ignore what happened and see if everythin is ok If it is not , then maybe consider talking to him.... JUST REMEMBER, HE IS PROBABLY FEELING 100X MORE EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED THAN U ps- but...
  16. M

    HUGS is it going to far?

    Actually ur probably rite, i dnt think he has eva had a gf.......... no wonder, he is obviously craving some bodily contact lol
  17. M

    If a person really loves you

    Thats so true
  18. M

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    NO WORRIES sorry my quote wasnt good enough for u lol <3 <3 <3