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  1. M

    bad boys or good boys???

    So which one r u?????????
  2. M

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    peace out biatch :) OWCH
  3. M

    If a person really loves you

    if they love u that much they should remember that stuff
  4. M

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    No way!!!! i could think of nothing more embarrassing
  5. M

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    No sorry- those girls r my friends... or r u just offended cause u r one of those girls PEACE lol
  6. M

    going down there...

    GOD BLESS SEX AND THE CITY (jokes) i tell u wat- i hate the smell of it...... does ne 1 else find that or is it just me
  7. M

    HUGS is it going to far?

    hugs are great. but we hav this guy at skewl, who is totally sweet and nice and gives girls hugs all the time...... The weird thing is that he hugs u for like 5 minutes (no joke) and doesnt let go. Its so funny, cause now most of us girls try and avoid him becuase we hate giving him...
  8. M

    Relationships & HSC

    Breaking up during the HSC is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid. if u luv the person y break up, im sure they will understand if u barely see them for 4 weeks while ur studying. u can make it up afetr exams r ova. but breaking up is plain silly
  9. M

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    OMG=- ditto i especially hat it wen all ur friends hav bf's and they spend every waking hour talking about them. :burn: I want a bf but i am really afraid of rejection- lol- sad heh i would neva ask a guy out because i would think they would say no. But wen i guy asks me out i always think...
  10. M

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    I HATE GIRLS WHO: - are bitchy - think they are gods gift -are obsessed with their looks - think people care what they are wearing (Because they totally dont) -smoke - drink large amounts, and therefore look trashy - are snobby - are totally gorgeous and never stop complaining about the way the...
  11. M

    bad boys or good boys???

    YES DEFINITELY i like good boys way more than bad boys. guys who try to act cool and bad pisses me off because there is no individuality about them. True rebeling is when you are different to everyone elkse and you embrace that difference GOOD BOYS ALL THE WAY (-:
  12. M

    2 short questionaires

    I am currently conducting a study on headline news and who decides what is important to us for my HSC. I am collecting people’s opinions on the topic and would appreciate your help in you answering this questionnaire. Your identity will remain confidential and your results anonymous, please...
  13. M

    romantic dates

    best date eva was wen my bf (now ex bf), came to my house early in the morning and picked me up while i was still in my pj's. he drove me to this beach and we sat there with blankets and watched the sunrise. kinda predictable but it totally worked lol
  14. M

    Home and Away

    I used to be a big fan of H & A although neighbours is betta lol however i hate to say- but i have converted over to biggest loser on channel 10 SORRY
  15. M

    Have you ever had a secret relationship?

    WTF does that hav 2 do with secret relationships???? a relationship is when ur with sum1 u luv not 100 people that u fuk
  16. M

    Best place for havin sex??!?!?!

    umm, in a bed purhaps
  17. M

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    i lv a guy who is tall and built (i.e. not scrawny and bony), brown hair, nice eyes, nice voice, NICE PERSONALITY OH OH OH and i luv those big veins that guys hav on the inside of their lowwer arm. i dunno y but i find them really hot!!!! especially if there is a tatoo on them lol
  18. M

    how the hell do guys mind work??????????????? HELP PLEASE

    Hey everyone Just wondering how the hell a guys mind works???????????? I have this guy, who is my friend. he has been giving me all the right hints i.e.- touching me - looking into my eyes - smiling and looking at me from across the room for long periods of time - and heaps...