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  1. M

    What's Your Common Room like?

    Our common room is pretty crappy.. It is just a demountable classroom But we have: - desks around the walls to study on - a fridge - a bench - a sandwitch maker - a stereo/cd player - A TV - A vacume cleaner - A DVD player - A hot water jug for making coffee etc We used to...
  2. M

    Hsc Dates ???????????

    I hve no idea wat the dates are.. If you ask a coordinator at your school they should be able to give you some idea. I remember from last year that the year twelves all got a sheet of paper with the dates around mid year.. So hopefully we all get one soon
  3. M

    The Bible

    Yeah, but wat would happen if u spent your whole life living by the bible and not living life to its fullest and then when you die and realise that nothing is waiting for you....... I would be pretty pissed.. I must say however, i am not religious, but i am spiritual..... I believe that there...
  4. M

    Too Soon For Relationship?

    if u really like tis new guy and u r goin out wid him for the right reasons (ie- not to make ur ex jealous) then go for it!!
  5. M

    Dating Religious Girl

    I think that instead of being immature and "Pretending' to be into church stuff, just tell her the truth. Tell her that u r interested and that u r prepared to do religious stuff wid her. That will impress her more when she sees that u r trying to change yourself for her. Girls love it wen...
  6. M

    the best friend..and the brother

    I hate to put a darkener on the issue, but believe me u will aboslutely hate it. There is two girls at school in the same situation. they used to b like best friends but then one started dating the other ones brother. Now they like fight all the time and its one big mess. I can totally...
  7. M

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    - spent many hours on BOS, Youtube and MSN - Did some homework for cafs - Did some work on my PIP for society and Culture -Did some of a religion assignment -watched alot of Oprah and Dr Phil Oh well, i suppose ill hav to try and catch up wen school goes back I am soooooooooo over it
  8. M

    Which movie reminds you of your life?

    "Looking For Alabrandi" It is so much like my life, its not funny...... apart for the fact that my wog family act as about australian as you can get (-:
  9. M

    Favourite Movies.

    My favourite movies include; - raising helen -50 First dates -Love Actually - How to loose a guy in 10 days -My big fat greek Wedding -muriels wedding -Napoliene Dynamite - Borat -Muriels Wedding -Clueless -Romy and michelles highschool Reunion [Just to name a few lol]
  10. M

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    The worst movies i hav eva seen include: 48 shades death to smoochy the epic movie NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" is da bomb
  11. M


    Yea, and u no wats sad about that A girl from our school died the week before from a brain anuerism, so i hope her family and friends didnt watch Even though it isnt directly meaning the same thing it is a little sad
  12. M

    What have you eaten today?

    HEY SAME, BUT I JUST WANT SUGAR!! Today i had - grapes - rice crackers with tuna, mayonaise, tomato and lettuce - a milo - a piece of toast with marg - three squares of chocolate
  13. M

    Nerd looks/hobbies and hot girlfriends?

    OH Snap!!!!:eek:
  14. M

    What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school?

    HA!! Took the words rite outta my mouth lol
  15. M

    bad boys or good boys???

  16. M

    Gang rape video

    Definetely agree with the pathetic Bogan scum comment They think thay are so strong and powerful FILTHY PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:burn: :burn:
  17. M

    Should I move up to Advanced English?

    I dont know if this is true, but i heard that u dont actually get scaled any differently in the two subjects, but it does look better if you do advanced when applying for jobs, tafe etc... I think u should definitely moved up, Advanced english isnt that much different to standard, the only real...
  18. M

    Defusing defensive Dads
