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  1. M

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Age: 17 Job: Checkout/Deli Chick Pay: $9.36 hr $14.05(Sundays) :) :) :)
  2. M

    Neighbours - A change is coming - 1 min promo

    I cant stand it now. It used 2 be my fav show but the new characters, theme song etc are shit. Its so obvious Ringo will die. Him and the gal who played Lolly were the winners of this magazine competition and they got three months on the set of neighbours, their time is obviously up cause...
  3. M

    Help! havent started my pip

    Fuk off...its not that easy!! youve gotta put in the effort to actually get anywhere Also- dont wory bout PIp, i have nearly finished, just take a few days off school and pull a few all nighters... GOOD LUCK!!
  4. M

    Question marks in central Material

    Yep im pretty sure thats fine. Well lets hope so cause thats wat ive bin doin 2. If ur not ask your teacher, but i cant c y not. Good luck anyway. six slepps and we're free!! YAY
  5. M

    UAI prediction please

    Try the SAM Uai calculator, it gives a pretty ruff estimate
  6. M

    Pip Topics Of '07'

    I no, talk about freaking out. I keep on changing parts of mine because im not happy with it, and i still gotta do my bibliography.. Im doing mine on Violence in the media and how it affects childrens behaviour. I am so sick of this subject, i dont no y i chose it in the first place:burn: Cant...
  7. M

    What attracts you?? In term of body

    Yes definitely, for me its the teeth, skin, and eyes. But the guy definitely has to be taller than me and i like them a bit built, not muscly but built
  8. M

    Father vs son common relationships

    Did u eva think that the reason u didnt c ur mum was because she was always workin so hard to keep a roof over your head and earn money to afford nice things. Respect her for how hard she has worked. No-ones perfect but im sure it wasnt easy raising someone on her own
  9. M

    Father vs son common relationships

    My parents broke up wen i waz 2.. My mum is figgen awesome she is strong and down to eaarth, just a normal person. My dad on the other hand is a rich, pompous prick who expects the whole world to worship him. He is remarried to this snobby bitch, and they have two snobby children together (a.k.a...
  10. M

    I'm in love with a gay guy

    simple answer= neva gunna happen
  11. M

    emo guys different?

    exactly... if they really did wanna sink into the corner and not b noticed, they would wear normal clothes and just blend it wid the crowd. They soooooooo <3 attention off people.
  12. M

    chem or bio??

    Serously everyone i no that does science regrets pickin it. But if u r good at science do chem but if u rnt so good do bio. Remember bio is seen as "the easy science" but they are both actually quite hard. Good luck
  13. M

    Last movie you've seen?

    Really?? i liked it I suppose it is kinda like Naepolean Dynamite- u either luv it or u hate it The last movie i've seen is Knocked- geeze... i haven;t laughted so hard in ages
  14. M

    Cravings for Studying - am I the only one?

    Simple answer= YES!!! Naa good on u, i wish i could catch a bit of wateva freakish disease u've got
  15. M

    How Do You Get Random Guys Off Your Back?

    :rofl: hahaha i luv it!!! Awww poor girl, dontcha just h8 being hit on...
  16. M

    the pill

    It also can cause weight gain It just depends for each person I used 2 be on it and it didnt cause anypart of me to changed- i s'pose it just depends on the person
  17. M

    What are your goals?

    I wanna loose 5 kg's for formal and just basically tone up my body, but exercise is so boring, i wish i was one of these people who craved exercise. The only think i crave is choccy biscuits and sitting on my butt postin on BOS lol
  18. M

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Splurge Much??? lol
  19. M

    best friend V. boyfriend?

    I spose, if they hav been BFF, then her friend should understand where she is cumin from, all the more reason to discuss it with her. I spose, she isnt gunna realised she is doin ne fin wrong unless it is pointed out 2 her:)
  20. M

    best friend V. boyfriend?

    Thats exactly wat i think, u no wat, if she really cant leave her boyfriend alone for 5 minutes for u then shes not worth it. I would so be gettin myself a new bestie