Search results

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    ATAR 'devalued by use of bonus point schemes'

    The bonus points in some unis are only a way to make their courses appear to have high cut offs, but really, they're hyper desperate to fill them with anyone decent e.g. unsw comm
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    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    Yes... because the US has never ever done anything which could ever be misconstrued as a terrorist act
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    Elementary school shooting in Conneticut

    in defence of obama he actually thought he was playing the new "call of duty: black ops 2" game and going for the 25 kill streak
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    what career opportunities are there for a bachelor of medical science??

    As in pathology lab? Maybe, but you'd still need at least a lab tech diploma Medsci is a decent degree to base other health related careers from. You could attach a few post grad diplomas, perhaps in imaging/sonography etc, to any medsci degree easily and you'd stand an alright chance to get a job.
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    all publically funded unis (think: everyone except maybe Bond and ND) cannot provide full fee courses at an undergrad level to citizens or prs
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    Can you recieve multiple course offers at the same time during main round offers?

    Re: is commerce more prestigious than economics? or the other way around? mbbs/llb @ monash ultimate azn parent trump card
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    Does God exist?

    i believe there is a god cause sometimes my laptop won't connect to my wireless even if the modem light is FLASHING GREEN but then i pray really hard and restart the modem and it works
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    OMG!! Is it true that if u do graduate medicine is better than undergraduate medicine

    Re: OMG!! Is it true that if u do graduate medicine is better than undergraduate medi entry into medicine test one: actually researching the different admission systems result: u have failed
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    Chess thread

    Re: Chess thread? srsly i don't get how you can be that bad
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    child beaten to death because he failed to rote learn the koran

    i like how this has turned anti muslim all religions are equally poor may god save america but stuff the 100,000 civilians killed in iraq
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    Chess thread

    Re: Chess thread? cause knowing u guys i wouldn't be surprised if this is how u really play
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    Chess thread

    Re: Chess thread? sloppy play in both games
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    HIV disclosure

    as if not I would treat anyone not disclosing known STDs to a partner as actions occasioning bodily harm with intent (depending on severity). They already have this in several US states (willful exposure or something like that), wherein, willful exposure of a person carrying an STD is a...
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    Science Experiment in Sydney School goes wrong

    this happened in our school a few years ago lab tech put out the wrong reagent
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    Should priests be required to break the confessional seal?

    i don't understand why doctors are legally obliged to report (btw, docs report on 4 reasons: court request, legal warrant, public benefit and specific legal situations such as child abuse) but priests are not break down the institution, report or go to jail for conspiracy + any other...
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    What have you eaten today?

    pussy lots of pussy all day everyday
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    Where my gays at?

    lots of sexual tension here
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    Fortescue going down?

    only it totes could work if china picks up/spikes IO not that its going to happen but sucked in miners
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    da english language h8s u 2 brudda To keep this on topic so it doesn't get deleted, and my shrine of laughter can withstand the tests of time: remember that you'll all have plenty of time in med school (to those that make it in *cough*) to rotate through. Then you'll have time to rotate through...