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    The Umat Results 2012.

    last year, they set the release date and the results came out 1 week beforehand to like 1000s of super surprised students. was a bit awkies
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    you're one patient you know nothing of the work GPs do a lot of important stuff (i.e. minor procedures, chronic care, detecting complications and potentially critical disease, mental health management, continuity of care etc) but w.e no use you might as well not do med, because you won't...
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    you make judgments about a job you haven't done you're a gr8 person
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    and have to work with stupid kids all the time
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    pretty sure the courses ran to about 10k
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    not yet. the RACS have some crazy expensive courses you can take which are weighted pretty heavily. That, and their 1 year anatomy diploma means as long as you have the cash/time, you can get an interview
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    get into med first lol by the time you people graduate, the competition will be cut throat level. So I hope everyone's prepared for a long, long, long slog. Wouldn't be surprised if PhDs become the norm for surg/top end phys.
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    My uni has a small cohort, so I won't mention it to avoid id, but I study a combined medsci/mbbs degree, so I do both degrees. you'd need to finish your internship year, and possibly another year of resident duties after that. Then you could apply. psych has never been too competitive, so you...
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    nothing to be jelly of really at the end of the day med is just another degree, just another job. Do it if you love it. If you are passionate you'll get in.
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    What have you eaten today?

    1 apple, 1 plate of curry and rice.
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    I didn't do too well at the UMAT (70~percentile), but the uni I attend does not take that into account (mbbs/medsci). If you get a high enough ATAR (99.75-99.95) you are basically guaranteed at one of the 4 mbbs/medsci combined uni degrees. So keep that in mind.
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    psychiatrists are medicos, psychologists are allied health
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    yeah i study med everyone is keen to get into surgery etc before, but after med, you're tired, you want to start a life, you want to stop studying intensely. That's why so many do GP speciality training...instead of say...neurosurg, which has ~7 spots across australia each year keep that in...
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    What do you want to do as a Doctor?

    pre med: most unique/specialised field during med: mid level physician post med: low end/easy speciality that's how it goes ahaha
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    The Umat Results 2012.

    also having medsci background makes preclin medicine much much easier. I dare say that students who have done medsci and then med come out with a much stronger scientific understanding than straight mbbs. The lab skills you get are valuable too. just remember kiddos, it isn't a race, there's no...
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    The Umat Results 2012.

    they're out came out heaps early this year 96percentile, what about you guys?
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    Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film

    free speech is only ok when minorities use it cause otherwise it's oppression. the world is retarded bring on da nukes
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    English Essay

    Re: The Thread that never Ends they shook cause there ain't no such thing as half crooks
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    English Essay

    Re: The Thread that never Ends and yet ur better than the english major lyf ironic
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    Wollongong University

    more likely the firm will pick up the student with the most work experience, the highest gpa and the most networking done. i doubt they really care which uni.