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    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Re: The Thread that never Ends 6!/2!
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    Centrelink :S

    drain on society volumes 1-13
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    textbook recommendation!!

    And that's fair enough. It's just a question of if it is worth it. I think the OP should not jump the gun, and use school issued textbooks. The wealth of resources online far, far, faaaar outweighs the benefit of a textbook and will do wonders for your researching stills.
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    textbook recommendation!!

    Basic physics never changes. The syllabus occasionally does, but not enough to warrent buying a 70 dollar book when a simple google is just as good. Additionally, textbooks are quite poor sometimes, in covering what is needed, ESPECIALLY in physics. Additionally, I found too many textbooks focus...
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    How hard would it be to get an external mark of 93+ in physics chemistry and english?

    Re: How hard would it be to get an external mark of 93+ in physics chemistry and engl As said before, everyone has their own goals and everything is subjective. What is rubbish to one, is treasure to another. Do not judge, but instead pass advice.
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    Is UWS really as bad as everyone gives it credit for??

    koksmith pls i g3ts da 93 aterz point and go 2 unsw evn though it tak 4 hoyrs by horse drawn carig bt iz k cuz unsw sed dai g3t me a jerb at g0ldm3n sukz w3n i finish comm3rce den i mek so much money i bi a lambo wit da body made fr0m kompacted lambos wil doez p33ps at uwSUCKS wurk at...
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    textbook recommendation!!

    Honestly I wouldn't bother with science or english textbooks... Physics is well covered on and you can also google. Additionally, there's a bunch of websites specific to HSC phys, including one answering all the "tricky" and usually poorly explained dot points (the name escapes me...
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    Centrelink :S

    itt epic lols
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    State Rank Possibilities?

    the amount of effort people put into state ranking, only for it to never matter again is hilarious
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    English Texts

    Isn't the weighting more to do with the question and not the text difficulty? Some questions require more insight or a harder to extract from a certain text than others?
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    single or double degree?

    it srsly depends. Double degrees with cross over are A+ double degrees with 0 cross over = jack of all trades
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    welcome 2 da real world where you actually need to consider shit before you go. It's not like you can just throw 3 years of life and 30k hecs on a degree, then after that, hope to get into one which will get you a job. Always have a plan b
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    Oxford-Cambridge PhD engineering

    Survivor: uncovering the mysteries of nature, while having enough time to flaunt his PhD on a student forum. A most illustrious member of society, no doubt.
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    Help with Medical Science please!

    oh pls link me to all ur papers discussing random protein conformations in the flagella of type A gram -ve bacteria which are also lac+
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    UK police to 'raid' Assange's embassy refuge

    alleged. I still believe in innocence until proven guilty.
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    UK police to 'raid' Assange's embassy refuge

    the US has enjoyed uncontrolled power for far to long, ruining the world in its wake. Its people are slaves to a war machine and the war machine is a slave to its people. Remove its arms, battle its troops and squash their world wide terrorism.
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    Is cramming an effective study technique?

    because you lack a certain natural ability and are still being baby sat in premed I will say this: YOU GET A REALITY CHECK cramming, despite what all the others say, it perhaps _THE_ best stratergy if you have a grain of intelligence about you. Go throughout the year, understand the concepts...
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    Differerence between Friends and Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

    if you can put your penis in their ear and they don't scream defs gf/bf