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    What happens if board of studies finds two similar english essays????

    if you're going into uni, this is a good lesson... never ever give anyone your unsubmitted fact, don't give them any work of yours! At uni level, not only will the person copying be punished, but you will too, for allowing it to happen.
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    Wollongong University

    ur pretty silly aren't you lil fella
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    what do you think of macquarie university?

    do you wanna prac psych? if so go to the easiest uni, so you can slot into honours without much competition. Otherwise you'll be up a creek without a paddle when it comes to being registered
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    The Umat Results 2012.

    the greatest lol here is a qualified doctor has to validate himself on a school forum idk who is more pathetic, you tell me (it's you)
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    Back up courses

    gj with your offer son, nice gamsat sxc how did interview go?
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    HSC Motivation!!!

    ur all actually killing me amazing
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    Teaching advice

    ummm starting is like 45-55k range afaik, and depending on level, some HS head teachers are like 93k? Principals up to 140k? Idk. There's a nice range there.
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    if you want to be a doctor and don't get in, I'd say nursing or medsci is a good path to go down.
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    Medical Science and Medicine

    no that unsw thing is dodgy they basically choose how many spots to give, and then you go through umat/interview etc iirc it's just to fill in gaps from drop outs
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    yeah rippy knows more aboot this than I do uws is a bit of a bitch cause of that 0.5 weighting.
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    1. duh, try UNCLE or UWS 2. no 3. most do, after 1 full year of uni. So you can apply next year and try again.
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    gl getting in with 96 but I'd say 98.5 would be competitive range
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    Medical Science and Medicine

    k I never found the results cut offs to be a problem with medschool entry, it's always the umat/interview.
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    tbh no such thing as a med transfer. Transfer is moving from course to course with some standing, what you're doing is just applying. There's no real corelation, but in general, more med sci people are good students and tend to get in. The one at UNSW is the exception. But again, I would not...
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    if you like it, yeah? if you don't, no either way it won't help you to get into med school.
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    How crazy would it be to have a girlfriend

    if being a pathetic excuse of a man is boring stop being one.
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    Transferring into Undergrad medicine at UWS/UNSW

    lowers the score you need for an interview.
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    Medical Science and Medicine

    unsw has some lateral entry scheme, where they offer a select few medsci students a chance to move into med. I think it takes an extra year (so 7 overall). All in all, it's a terrible thing to rely on, and given that everyone in the course wants to jump in it, I dare say more competitive...
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    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    Re: The Thread that never Ends no ways to arrange no 1s....= total number of ways to arrange - total number of ways to arrange any number with 1? ur p. shit for a maths major