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    Unfair or Fair Enough?

    welcome to real life and uni lol
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    2 MONTHS TILL HSC. What are your study plans from now till then?

    if you study 8-10 every day for 2 months and don't get a 99.95 atar, you are, without a doubt, the most brain dead person I have met wot i am saying is you have to be realistic, if it takes you that much time to cover not much content, then you really need to re-assess your strat. HSC is just...
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    byron bay is 4 poor people real men go to monte carlo
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    pre req help !:)

    remember most hsc students dont get this and think unis can pick and choose students, but really unis want u and ur money they love it the dean will roll in it everynight they will let you in
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    Will I cope in engineering "without" (Physics, Chem ext 2 maths) ???

    Even if HSC content isn't directly assessed in uni, so most of the physics and chem is bs, you actually pick up a surprising amount of knowledge and skills, which will defs help. Lots of peeps struggle with chem and physics if they haven't done it in the last 2 years
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    pre req help !:)

    No such things as pre reqs anymore, now they're all "recommended". So yes, you'll get in.
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    so you're banking your whole career on getting into the USyD program... You have to get a pretty high GAMSAT and a good interview to have a chance, so some first year level in chemistry and first year bio would be paramount. Why not apply for undergrad dent schools? La trobe, CSU, JCU...
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    Whats more presitgious engineering or commerce???

    LOL this guy is actually going to do something they h8 then end up shit and hatin lyf funniest shit ever
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    Is law really that boring?

    And then they will introduce B. Business, with the same subs as comm except one different one, set the cut off to 91 (but allow people with 75s to get in) and in comes the MONEY Fuck my degree I will just make my own uni
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    Is law really that boring?

    how do you know you can handle it if you aren't in it? lol
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    Medicine/Science good idea???

    The reason why, unlike other occupations, medicine is one of those things where you can tell peeps to f-off if they're shit is because: 1) med places are controlled, taking a place of someone who might do a better job than your lazy, un-motivated arse is no coo' 2) it's a social investment. The...
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    Medicine/Science good idea???

    congrats on ur offer to usyd mrblack
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    UTS Vs UNSW for engineering ..

    u penks no one has attended both those courses, no one knows which is "better" choose the one that is easiest on you: i.e. accomo, transport, course structure, prac exp. whatever. Get the one you like most, do well at it, network like a boss and you'll be right. The only reason why unis like...
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    UNSW vs UWS Med 2013

    youre all retarded. do the shorter degree, get into the workforce and try to get into a fellowship program ffs. med school is like primary school in the grand scheme of things, and at the end of the day, all the schools are pbl, so you will get back as much as you put in. Study hard, be a good...
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    UWS Medicine Help plz

    no u didn't lol and as I recall correctly, Im pretty sure I did less than you in both umat and hsc tough break kid.
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    How much does uni count?

    it's like your atar it might hamper you for your first job, but as soon as you get work exp, no one cares about your degree anymore, it becomes superceded
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    im the gr8est troll in the world crushin' dreams since '12

    im the gr8est troll in the world crushin' dreams since '12
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    UWS Medicine Help plz

    Nope, but how do you expect to get there sunshine. With worse competition than ever, wouldn't say, the doctors who have golden references because of their epic skillz, published papers, and higher degrees (i.e. academic) get the limited training positions.