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  1. slowjam10

    The Art of Diisent????

    Is anyone else doing the Art of Dissent as there first topic for Extension English. Dissent itself means to differ in sentiment or opinion, so i.e. being a non-conformist. We have to think of two related texts - i thought about Catcher in the Rye, Dead Poets Society, 12 Angry Men, oo To Kill a...
  2. slowjam10

    Anyone elses school not allowing them to watch......?

    Hey, is anyone else not being allowed to watch American Beauty as a class for Extension English some parent complained last year so now we aren't allowed to watch it. It's a joke our topic is the American Dream lol Yeah but i can;t believ we are allowed to read Unreliable Memoirs by Clive James...
  3. slowjam10

    Which subject are you getting the most homework from?

    So Far Adv. Eng has been quite a bit we already had to do a creative writing piece and we had a blackout so i had to do it in the dark no excuses with my teacher. Legal hw is fun its always read text and write definitions Ext 1 Eng hw is fun its research on and artist - Felix Nussbaum...
  4. slowjam10

    Journalism Cadetship?????

    You're saying they are crap cause they print the daily teror (telegraph .. i think thats what they still call it) Well you know even if it is crap it'll be like one day in the Front Line newsroom you know the people out to get a story at all costs ...remember the episode the seige well anyway...
  5. slowjam10

    Law Society of NSW's Inter School Mock Trial

    Hey all, Is anyone else doing the Law Society mock trial, we have our first meeting tommorow i heard that we are versing the Hills High School, anywhere from there here
  6. slowjam10

    Journalism Cadetship?????

    Hey, has anyone else been nominated by their school to do a Journalism cadetship/internship for two-days at News Limited in Surrey Hills because my school nominated me and it sounds really cool.
  7. slowjam10

    Class of 2007

    Im doing 2U Unit Studies of Religion but I'm an '08er. So how was your prelim year of religion, so far I am liking it we have just started the nature of religion and we are learning about the supernatural, transcendent and inanmate dimensions. Seeyas!!!:):)
  8. slowjam10

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    How do i join Humglish?:):):):):):):) I also want to study law at USYD and make lots of money. Woot to me rolling its lots of cash Money, Money, Money, Moneeeeeeeeeeey not greedy, but i'm doing law because i love it, i have a genuine interest in it and i love Boston Legal and Ally...
  9. slowjam10

    How was your school day?

    Yay another person who does both Histories:). For Modern History we are doing: Term 1 - The World at the Start of the 20th Century - we had a double today and learnt about Imperialaism and stuff Term 2 - 19th Century Russia Term 3- China to 1954 and for Yr 12 World War 1 (Compulsory) Russia...
  10. slowjam10

    How was your school day?

    Im also on the Ancient History nerd bandwagon. I am absoluting loving Ancient History the teacher is so enthusiatic she's been teaching since the 60's and wow she like she makes sound effetcs and moves around the room and demonstrates everything with's so entertaining to watch, she...
  11. slowjam10

    How was your school day?

    yeah i thought we would get bombarded with work to intsead the teachers just talk to us about what we are doing and how good they are (but yes they are good). Is anyone else like having fun (you're all going to say NERD) but yeah now that i do subjects that i like i no longer have to look at the...
  12. slowjam10

    Related Texts + Relationships

    We had to collect related texts last year after the SC had finnished. This was our last major assessment and our last impact on the teachers view of us. Our AOS was Learning and Experience and we had to choose five related texts and analyse them according to a certain set of questions. I...
  13. slowjam10

    Advice on teacher's who can't teach

    Wow, it sounds like you had the same teacher as me, she didnt know what she was doing and she kept asking the students the answers or stuffing up when she marked tests. Even when she wrote the soloutions to hw questions the class had to correct her.:rofl::rofl::burn::burn::burn::rofl::rofl: One...
  14. slowjam10

    modern history subjects

    we are doing the world at the start of the 20Th Century, 19th Century Russia and Indo-China to 1954 and we get to do a Personal Interest Project next term.
  15. slowjam10

    How was your first day of Preliminary?

    Today was my first real day, becuase yesterday was just for Peer Support with the newbies. We had to sit out on the gravel and listen to the principal blab on about our ecellent HSC results even though we're still not in the top never have been We got our timetables and i am so happy...
  16. slowjam10

    1 week to go, no work done

    Well our Commerce teacher talked about how a guy on a train tried to feel up his daughter, he used a newspaper to cover up what he was doing underneath. Then someone yelled out she was touched in this weird voice and the teacher totally flipped...........
  17. slowjam10

    Second thoughts on my 07 Subbies

    Our school had a two round selection process, in the first round we had to choose the subjects we were interested in and then in the second round we were only given a week to choose our subjects from the lines. The lines set up by our school clashed with so many peoples plans i reckon that they...
  18. slowjam10

    Angel and BtVS

    yea i liked that ep to, esp with Princess Cordy lol
  19. slowjam10

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    ERAGON that was definetely one of the most crappest movies i have ever had to sit through, shit acting that looks like it was dubbed over and you know the best actor was the the CGI dragon lol and what was with them just having to incoparate Chris Egan from Home and Away, it was funny that all...
  20. slowjam10

    Home and Away

    Yea well maybe they should just cut Anna Coren short i think i have had enough of her phony smile plastered on that nip/tucked face of hers honetly how many things have they got left to expose i could live without that ...anyone else ?