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  1. slowjam10

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    Hey if anyone wants to add me as well you can on: Hope everyones doing good . CYA :):wave:
  2. slowjam10

    '07 Preliminary Roll Call

    Hey my names Jevan - now you're all going to wonder how to pronounce it umm kind of like GvArn but not to much emphasis on the Arn. Anyway i live Holroyd Area My Subjects are: Advanced English, Extension English, Ancient History, Modern History, Legal Studies, Food Technology and Studies of...
  3. slowjam10

    Summarising the textbook!

    Does anyone else find it really annoying summarising the textbook all the time? I have an exam in about a week and a half on the functional properties of food which is made up of three topics and writing notes has been torture. I ended up giving my notes to the teacher and she went through and...
  4. slowjam10

    Year 12 Jerseys

    Hey minn, you should defenetely get 2minnoodles i love it or minfiniety is also good. Hmm you know my name sujest something for me
  5. slowjam10

    Extension English Students- how many hours?

    On Week A we have one two hour lesson after school........:bomb: and on Week B we have two separate 50 minute lessons :burn: overall=:)
  6. slowjam10

    Books/Texts You wish YOU were doing for prelim/HSC?

    We just did Othello which was okay i suppose the movie was terrible though. But now we are doing the Six Degrees of Sepaartion which is arrgghhh terrible. In Ext English i wish we could do Gothic Fiction but unfortuantely... the answer is No. In response to the first poster i think...
  7. slowjam10

    Six Degrees of Separation - Module C

    Hey, is anyone else doing the film the Six Degrees of Separation starring Will Smith for Module C: Representation and Text. It's a really annoying film because it brings up about 1000 different themes and never manages to wrap them up. We have to find related texts for it as well? I was...
  8. slowjam10

    Britain's got talent

    Thats true you can't beat Connie she was magnificent and i mean look how old she is and she is adorable. Paul Potts was good but Connie should have won ... I just love how when they say "What is your name?? she says "Connie" i can't get over the way she says it ..lovin.. the accent.:)
  9. slowjam10

    Home and Away

    Whatever they do i hope they don't bring back Tammin Sursok - fugly bitch was so annoying ahh but good for a laugh so what the hell. Home and Away is my favourite dra... no I mean c'mon what about when Amanda was in the car and Kelly doused it in petrol and she ripped...
  10. slowjam10

    Funny Twist to my Extension 2 Story!

    o-m-g - that is so funny. I know i don't do extension two but i am planning to and sometimes i say thinsg that have sexual connotations by accident lol:eek::)
  11. slowjam10

    Do You Like English?

    yeah i like advanced english - except i get stomach ulcers about an hour before teh lesson starts becuase our teacher is so scary but everyone in our class gets them. Ext eng is good except waking up early is a bit of a bummer. :)
  12. slowjam10

    Big Love (Sunday 8.30 SBS)

    yeah it really is an excellent show. I was a bit skeptical at first but i have been taping every episode and watching them the following day. I know but i can' miss my Grey's Anatomy fix lol......:rofl::rofl::). I like all the wives - they are all so different - Barb is like preety interesting...
  13. slowjam10

    so who's doing History Extension?

    lol i'll run off screaming with you. I have a scary assessment task which i woudl have worked on earlier but i ahve been sick for all of teh holidays so far sigh. My Historical Investigation is a 1250 word essay (handwritten, footnoted gaaaaaaaa :burn::burn:) and a 3 minute powerpoint...
  14. slowjam10

    State Library of NSW

    Does anyone know if you can borrow books from the state library. See I have a modern history research assign on the hollyood ten and i was originally going to Fisher Library but i realised that the State Library has alot more on offer in terms of this topic. So yeah i was wondering if anyone...
  15. slowjam10

    for people without tutoring

    Thats spot on Vuongsterboi:):)
  16. slowjam10

    for people without tutoring

    i did its now the scream pic before it was paris from gilmore girls with determined written on it which i thought was good as its like me. To sum me up in one word its determined - well at least until i am lawyer and jet setting across the world
  17. slowjam10

    for people without tutoring

    ok i changed it :)
  18. slowjam10

    for people without tutoring

    lol i should change it im really lazy with technology though
  19. slowjam10

    for people without tutoring

    Hey, well i dont have a tutor and i'm doing quite well. I spend most of my time on hw and assigns. I can honestly say that i have not had a free weekend this year - i have always got something to do, even when there is nothing i still could be revising. Yet i dont really revise all taht much too...
  20. slowjam10

    Anyone elses school not allowing them to watch......?

    hey, well now that we are doing the American Dream as our unit of study i can actually use American Beauty as a related text. We are currently doing the Great Gatsby and the talented mr ripley. Im not sure American Beauty would be good but there is also other things like Pleasantville, Devil...