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  1. slowjam10

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    lol..i have the same desk as you...everythign else looks about right...mounds and mounds of
  2. slowjam10

    What Do You Think Of This?

    Hey One of the teachers at our school said that they send in lower internal marks becuase it will help the student if they achieve a hgher external exam mark. Do you think they should be doing that? I know really that ranking also plays an important role in the final outcome but what do you...
  3. slowjam10

    Do you think this is right?

    well we got our proper notification on
  4. slowjam10

    Do you think this is right?

    yeah i know we were in a similar situation last year and i had mock trial on taht night and didn't get back till 11.00 and then just Bs'ed a response and got 15/15..LOL but still for some it becomes really difficult
  5. slowjam10

    Do you think this is right?

    Hey I'm just curious to know if the board of studies has any rules on this: - Nest week sometimes we are going to have to view a documentary in class and then we have to do something about it ..not sure what yet..but it does involve writing...anyway the issue is that we are only going...
  6. slowjam10

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    ahh im right there with you...schools are dumb we have the exact some problems....our schools must be using the same handbook
  7. slowjam10

    Assess, Discuss, Explain,Evaluate:Structuring?

    Check the link above or maybe try your student diary...I know ours list all the directive terms and meanings. Otherwise you coule always check your classroom walls, I know ours are scattered with posters relating to this...probably for the junior kids, but then again :uhhuh: Good luck with you...
  8. slowjam10

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    Well i just finnished my section of notes on housing in Pompeii and Herculaneum for ancient. This is so riduculous each person making notes on a particular dot point and submitting them to share with the rest of the class. I mean some people will submit some dodgey shit and then it'll be a total...
  9. slowjam10

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    well i just lost out on another three lessons of modern and two of ext history due to the teacher being sick and the school having no replacement ...good times:eek: NOT
  10. slowjam10

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    actually our school is below state average...its ranked about 450 soemthign out of all schools in NSW LOL
  11. slowjam10

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    O M G really ahh...we have just finnished talking about mens rea and actus reus ...i have made notes according to the syllabus from the Legal Studies HSC textbook by Hamper
  12. slowjam10

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone else feels that they are behind in some subjects. So far this year we have missed out on lessons due to the following reasons: 3 day retreat/camp = 16 periods lost If thats not bad enough: random guest talks, singing practice for as mass, then mass...
  13. slowjam10

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    I got some more back Legal Studies - 40/40 worth 25% ranked 1st out of 22 or so Adanced English 19/20 worth 10% - ranked 1st out of 76 Extension English 24/25 worth 25% - ranked 1st out of 16 still have to get ancient assignment back
  14. slowjam10

    Ext Subjects Outside of School Hrs - MAX hrs to be at school

    ..and well yea that's uni isn't it and its not like for the majority of uni students you go everyday with non.stop work and like no proper breaks
  15. slowjam10

    Ext Subjects Outside of School Hrs - MAX hrs to be at school

    yeah well its not going to school at 7.30 thats bothering me as such, as i am very much used to it after having the same routine for all of Prelim, rather it's the fact of how long my day is gong to be. I mean it is pretty ridiculous, you've got to admit being at school for ten and a half...
  16. slowjam10

    Ext Subjects Outside of School Hrs - MAX hrs to be at school

    yeah its kind of unfortunate i do get study periods...although we actually have to stay at school during them and are forced to 'study' or at least look like we
  17. slowjam10

    Ext Subjects Outside of School Hrs - MAX hrs to be at school

    Hey all, I was just wondering if the Board of Studies has any kind of policies regarding how many hours a student is to be at school in a day or for how many extenison subjects your school can put on the timetable after school hours. For example, with our new timetable we will have to arrive...
  18. slowjam10

    What time does your school start?

    On a normal day school starts at 8.35 till 3.00 Morning classes start at 7.30 and Afternoon classes at 3.15 till either 4.30 or 5.00
  19. slowjam10

    How much do you like your subjects?

    Well here it goes Studies of Religion 2 - 9.5 Legal Studies - 9 Ancient History - 8.5 Modern History - 8.5 Advanced English - 8 Extension English - 7.5 Extension History - Unsure Overall I'm pretty happy and doing really well in the subjects i picked and don't think i could have chosen any...
  20. slowjam10


    Hey all! I was just wondering if there is any fans of Moonlighting out there? I think the shows great and I love the balance between comedy and mystery, especially the banter between Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd. They showed it back on channel 7 in 2007 or 06...but i finaly got the dvd's...