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  1. slowjam10

    Ancient History case study

    Hey, I'm doing Deir el Medina and i think it is great. Ancient History is one of my favourite subjects as we have the best possible teacher you could ask for. She is so entertaining and makes everything so interesting that somehow it gets drilled into your brain without even realising it. Then...
  2. slowjam10

    University Libraries for Assignments

    Hey, i have an historical investigation for Modern History and i have chosen to focus on McCarthyism during the 1950's. I was thinking that i would focus specifically on Hollywood but i still I haven't narrowed it down to a question yet. But anyway i have found that all the resources are...
  3. slowjam10

    Is anyone doing Anything other than Frankenstein in prelim ext eng?

    We have one class with about 16 people and we have three advanced classes and three standard. For first term in ext we did the Module - the Art of Dissent and read the poetry of W.H. Auden and watched the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This term we are starting the American Dream and...
  4. slowjam10

    Prelim - Modern - 19th C Russia

    hey, i was wondering is anyone has done this topic before we are just starting and we have a substitue again for the next two weeks as i mentioned earlier that we hadnt had a a teacher for most of the first term as he was sick and this substitute dosent know a thing about Modern. I was just...
  5. slowjam10

    How was your school day?

    thanks :) i wish school was still on i really hate my home life i just wish i still had that escape into happiness. I think i am doing better at school this year because i have nothign that brings my any happiness other than school..........................i bet you think thats just weird ..hmm...
  6. slowjam10

    How was your school day?

    heys well yesterday i had to do a dramatic monlogue for Adv. Eng i was Megan from Maestro, teacher loved it yay. It was a weird day. Someone pulled out a stash of condoms out of their blazer during their perfomance, they were left over from the formal, i dont think the teacher knew what they...
  7. slowjam10

    Preliminary Source Analysis Test Tomorow

    Hey, we are having a source analysis test for Ancient History tomorow. Our teacher thought she would be kind and give us the sources today so we could read over them but the questions will still be a suprise. We are currently studying Tutankhamun and that's what it is based on so does anyone...
  8. slowjam10

    Preliminary Source Analysis Test on Monday

    I had my test today and well it was actually sort of fun, i think i did really well thanks for your help
  9. slowjam10

    Preliminary Source Analysis Test on Monday

    hey, we have a test on monday for Modern and i've mentioned before that my teachers getting a hip replacement anyway. The test is worth 25% and contains three sections. Our topic is the world at the beginning of the 20th C. Another Modern teacher came in a gave us a brief run down of the test...
  10. slowjam10

    Law at which uni - conflicting info

    So Moonlight Sonata what are you majoring in you BA. Just curious:)
  11. slowjam10

    Law at which uni - conflicting info

    Hey, i was jsut wondering which university is recommened within NSW Law. My teachers say that Macquarie is definetely the best becuase Sydney is way too conservative. But i dont know my school does tend to dumb people down, they think that nobody will ever make something of themselves and...
  12. slowjam10

    Prelim Study Notes

    Hey, im starting to write out study notes because we are having a test in week 9 on: Basic Legal Notions Sources of Law The Constitutional System in Australia In the sources of law section there is a section on aboriginal law, how much do we actually have to know about this section. I have a...
  13. slowjam10

    Should I Drop Extension 1 English???

    hey, i go to the same school as law! and yeah the teacher is very subjective, when you say something if it dosen't clcik with her or if she cant relate to it she will give it a bad mark. Whereas our Adv Eng teacher is like more objective - if you say something good and back it up with evidence...
  14. slowjam10

    UNSW Faculty of Law Essay Comp

    opps i just checked the sheet, mine is the future leaders essay lol q is the purpose of a writer is to keep covilization from destroying itself. 800-1000 word essay due in august
  15. slowjam10

    UNSW Faculty of Law Essay Comp

    Ha i just got that this morning at 7.30 from by Ext teacher :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::burn::burn:i hate being forced to enter something, would much rather do something of my own accord. Got any ideas for it yet?
  16. slowjam10

    Teachers NOT at School??????

    I feel your pain. I just looked at the syllabus its not specific enough about the first topic: the world at the beginning of the 20th century.
  17. slowjam10

    Teachers NOT at School??????

    I think i might go to the actual BOS site and get the syllabus, i did that for History last year and came first in my grade becuase our teacher forgot to teach most parts or moreso didn't know how to. What you can't do, you teach and what you can't teach you do P.E. as my friend always says. I...
  18. slowjam10

    Teachers NOT at School??????

    Thankyou for your support. :) But you know our teacher who left well he was the Head teacher lol
  19. slowjam10

    Teachers NOT at School??????

    This is so annoying our Modern History teacher is going in for major surgery and won't be back until Term 2. So in the meantime we have a substitue teacher who just hangs around our school all the time, well their whole family does. He knows nothing and cant even figure out where we're up to...
  20. slowjam10

    ENGLISH! (All courses welcome =D)

    Heyz For Advanced we our AOS is Changing Perspective and we have just been through just about everything in the Stimulus Booklet and our novel is "Maestro' by Peter goldsworthy ( grotty we have been told to get our minds out of the gutters response was Cliche, they always...