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  1. slowjam10


  2. slowjam10


    heys, i watched the the couple of episodes they showed here...but i actually watched most of it on youtube type in psyk ..they mispelt it on i also ordered the DVD from the US ..great show:):)
  3. slowjam10

    Chuck (US Airing)

    hey, i watched the first episode and absolutely loved it.:):)
  4. slowjam10

    Veronica Mars - DVD

    Hey, Well the DVD's have not been released in the Region 4 format (ie. playable on Australian DVD players). However, do not despair! You may purchase the US version of the DVD's. Although you would have to check if your DVD player is capable of playing US DVD's (ie. Region 1). I myslef have...
  5. slowjam10

    Citizen Kane for Extension History?

    Hey, I was reading about the controversy involved in the making of the film and how it is supposedly a depiction of life of William Hearst. I was wondering if that could fit into the major work looking at this as a sort of controversy. Or possibly looking at the representation of Hearst in the...
  6. slowjam10

    Top 200 Schools (Daily Telegraph) - 2007

    Re: Top 200 Schools - 2007 well i think its pretty self-explanatory that you're a smart ass:)
  7. slowjam10

    Top 200 Schools (Daily Telegraph) - 2007

    Re: Top 200 Schools - 2007 is it bad if your school is not ranked in the Top 200 >more like the bottom 200
  8. slowjam10

    What is the technique where...

    well i have always been told that giving non-human objects or things human like qualities is personification hence, giving a tree human like qualities is alos personification for example, the tree danced in the wind :):):)
  9. slowjam10

    How well did u go for first HSC assessments?

    Heys well i've handed in quite a few assessments but we are getting them back when we return but so far i've received a mark for SORII in class essay on Paul of Tarsus (got 20/20 - ranked 1st) and a Legal Studies Speech (got 10/10 ranked tied 1st) still have to get back essay for adv eng +...
  10. slowjam10

    HSC 2008 ancient history students topics

    Heys Well these are our topics: Term 4 - '07: Personality; Hatshepsut Term 1 - '08: Core; Pompeii and Herculaneum Term 2 - Society; Sparta Term 3 - Historical Period; Julio-Claudians and then of course in Term 4 .....:ninja: and then :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  11. slowjam10

    Major Work Question - Hannah Arendt/Sophie Scholl

    Heys, I have just got a quick question concerning the major work well here it goes..i am thinking about looking at the writings of Hannah Arendt..especially those on totalitarianism and the banality of evil and looking at them in terms of her coverage of the Eichmann trial and how that impacts...
  12. slowjam10

    Extension History '08

    well we're doing Elizabeth for our case study...our teacher is so into it that's really good...but we're not starting the classes till next year for this term it's just work on the major work so anyone got any ideas for their major works yet?:):)
  13. slowjam10

    How'd everyone go in their prelims?

    yea ..i got my results back in drips and drabs and was really happy Extension English - 90% 1/16 Adanced English - 83% 2/68 Modern History 87% 1/14 or 12 not Ancient History 93% 1/26 Legal Studies 96% 1/22 Studies of Religion II 93% 1/24 Food Technology 96% 1/16 yea. our subject...
  14. slowjam10

    Do We Need to Keep A Journal For Ext Eng?

    Hey, i was just wondering if we actually are required to keep a journal for extension English...i know that for extension two you keep a journal along with your major work..but our teacher insists on us having one for extension and that it's a crucial part of the course. Th teacher made us...
  15. slowjam10

    Last movie you've seen?

    the brave one was pretty good, but quite graphic at times and becaisue i saw it in a cinema it was like so loud during the graphic parts i was epecting the cinema to be jam packed seem as it was opening night and well it wasn't:)
  16. slowjam10

    SPORT in year 12

    ..they force us to do it at our school as well and have since year 7. if you don't choose a sport you go on sports detention every week until you do one....a few years ago they used to have study for yr 11's and 12's but they cancelled that but sport is annoying i would rtaher get those extra...
  17. slowjam10

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? Hey. well for HSC Adv. English at our school we are going to use a texbook called Textual Journeys and i've had a look over it and it looks pretty good explains all the different techniques composers use and it refers to alot of the common texts...
  18. slowjam10

    Texts selected for HSC English?

    Im doing that poetry imagined corners somethign as well along with Brave New World/Blade Runner King Lear Frontline for ext we're doign crime fiction ...if anyone wanted to know
  19. slowjam10

    Any recognition/rewards?

    at our school they give out 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings for each subject - you get a trophy for first and the rest get a certificate, then theres Certificate of Merit for the 5 or 10 per cent of grade or something and thats a certificate + a medallion and then there's Dux and also some other all...
  20. slowjam10

    Any Preliminary Food Tech Ppl??

    yeah i also do food tech, it's pretty good:)