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  1. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    Hey, I'm not sure if any of you remember my previous thread about my modern teacher that is constantly away. Well anyway basically if you haven't here it goes: During prelim our Modern teacher got very sick and had to take most of term 2 and 3 off and while that happened we were given a whole...
  2. slowjam10

    Learning MH without a teacher!!!

    Thanks for your suggestion. Yeah the whole class pretty much feels the same way and we have recently compiled complaints along with the economics and extension history classes to the school executive about the unqualified substitutes we have been having as replacement for this teacher being...
  3. slowjam10

    Learning MH without a teacher!!!

    Hey, I don't know if any of you have read my posts in the General forum regarding my continually absent teacher, but I was wondering if anybody has any good textbook recommendations that I can use to write notes. The annoying thing it seems with modern is that there is no comprehensive textbook...
  4. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    yeah they are the usual price for a secondary catholic school
  5. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    yeha that's what I've been doing, but it really does help having a teacher. It's not like you get to ask the textbook't worry I've tried. But yeah, this is really terrible for a catholic school, but then again looking at our schools ranking not as suprising.
  6. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    I know our school really just tries to cover it up and pretend like everything is just dandy. This issue is affects over 40 people in our grade. Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up this week, so we'll see what happens there.
  7. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Well if you read my post, you'd have discovered that the subsitutes we have are really unqualified. Some sleep, chat on their mobiles, can't string a sentence together, eat breakfast in class, talk about their sex life, bitch about other teachers they don't like, bitch about the principal or...
  8. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    yeah, that's how everyone used to feel. Now it really does become a setback.
  9. slowjam10

    Half Yearly Results ONLY (No Spam) the stapling notes to your head I will definetely haver to tell peopel about that Well my half-yearly was based on Hatshepsut and Pompeii and Herculaneum It was a 2hr 15min exam, split into three sections; 1st section was on Pompeii and Herculaneum - 25marks 2nd and 3rd...
  10. slowjam10

    Half Yearly Results ONLY (No Spam)

    Well actually my exams aren't easy. All the questions used in the exams were previous CSSA Trial Papers or Independent Papers. So no I don't think that they were easy, I mean there were a great range of marks for all the exams. For example, in Advanced English I got 95%, next mark down was 89%...
  11. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Yeah I also do Ancient but I have a different teacher for that.
  12. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    yeah exactly, I mean I've had to teach myself in the past, but having a teacher there makes it generally alot easier and it's not like it's too much to ask for. It really does severely disadvantage you not having a teacher.
  13. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Yeah, I do have that concern. I know people in previous years have had problems and as soon as they've been raised, things turn out adversely for them.
  14. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Thanks for your advice Michael, I'll definetly take it on board and I'll let you no the outcome.
  15. slowjam10

    Half Yearly Results ONLY (No Spam)

    My results were as follows: Ancient History - 99% - Ranked 1st Studies of Religion II - 98% - Ranked 1st Legal Studies - 94% - Ranked 1st Adanced English - 95% - Ranked 1st Extension English - 84% - Ranked 2nd in exam, 1st overall Modern History - 85% - Ranked 1st in exam, 2nd overall Extension...
  16. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Thanks for your comment. Yeah I'll see what happens on Monday and if we have no luck, we'll go to BOS.
  17. slowjam10

    Teachers Being Away!!!!

    Hey guys, At our school we are having some pretty big problems with teachers being away continually and/or canceling extension lessons without any notice. The main problem is with one particular teacher who, while being a great teacher is constantly away, due to a recurring illness. I have him...
  18. slowjam10

    Who's excited about going to uni?

    ahh no its just the people i go to school with on the most part are dickheads that have no respect for anyone or themsleves for that matter.
  19. slowjam10

    Who's excited about going to uni?

    I think the best thing about uni will be starting afresh REINVENTION= the key No one will know me except my closest friends, then I just be myself and make new friends and not have to worry about being disliked for having a brain and wanting to achieve beyond living in a truck stop diner, with...