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  1. slowjam10

    Your favourite Tv show host

    I SOO AGREE I just watched the DVD collection of Oprah the bets time however, was when our english teacher pulled out a video of Oprah's early days and used one of her audience expereiments on the class:D
  2. slowjam10

    The Picture of Dorian Grey

    I don't know If I'll be of much help, but you might want to try your local library or if you wanted to purchase it, you could try or (this is an american online store, but they do ship to Australia, however, you must be able to play Region 1 DVD'S). Just to...
  3. slowjam10

    What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the year?

    Re: What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the y thanks:):)
  4. slowjam10

    What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the year?

    Re: What are your cumulative/rankings so far and what is your aim by the end of the y So far I'm ranked: 1/64 in Advanced English 1/11 in Extension English 1/22 in Studies of Religion II 1/24 in Legal Studies 1/22 in Ancient History 1/5 in Extension History 2/12 in Modern History Aim= to...
  5. slowjam10

    Am I being over-assessed?!?!

    yeah..we get a stack of stuff to do we have had two asssesments and then the half yearlies, then we have the trial and another assessemnt. plus throughout the year we have a practice question to do like every damn week or so, that's worth nothing. Most of what we do is just so the teacher...
  6. slowjam10

    Is History ext hard?

    yeah that's pretty school's just as bad the extension class dropped from 7 to 4 straight after half-yearlies and currently, we are teaching ourselves. But finally the school gave us a new teacher for this and modern, who also happens to be my ancient teacher...lovely woman by the...
  7. slowjam10

    Urgent!!! Problem With Students Online

    He was just telling everyone but yeah...I discovered this problem this afternoon and wanted to bring it to people's attention so they could check it and raise it with their respective school. Gosh try to do something helpful and what do you get?
  8. slowjam10

    Judaism and Peace

    Hey, we are just starting this topic which is our last. Weare also goign to be doing Christianity and Judaism amd our teacher has photopied Living Religion, Excel and Leading Edge they could be uselful if you can get your hands on them.
  9. slowjam10

    Urgent!!! Problem With Students Online

    no its not it was written in words but anyone it seems who has a birthday past the 12th is fine, becuase obviously there's no 13th month
  10. slowjam10

    Urgent!!! Problem With Students Online

    Hey, we got our pins today and i just checked my details - my date of birth is wrong they got the date and month mixed up my actual b'day is the 10th of May, 1991 - 10/5/91 but BOS has it as the 5th of October, 1991 5/10/91 Other people at my school have their date of births wrong as...
  11. slowjam10

    UAC number and pin

    our school will probably give them out around the time of the late round offers opps boys and girls that's right, you wanted a future didn't you?
  12. slowjam10

    Help! UAI Question!

    Hey, Well your ranks are actually not that bad. Just start making notes and revising to do better. Also to see what your UAI would be try the SAM calculator. GOOD LUCK
  13. slowjam10

    What topic are you up to?

    Hey guys, I was wondering what topic you are up to/how far into the course you are etc? For me it has been a nightmare (please refer to other posts: We have...
  14. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    ahh don't get me started I have so many issues. Teachers teaching us the wrong thing. Taking exteneded leave without notice. A million and one community events that take time out of school. Subs who sleep in class/eat in class/butch about otehr teachers Also, the modern teacher tends to get...
  15. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    At our school we've been told that June is the last month you can drop because they have to send in details to BOS.
  16. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    I think you're the one that needs the growing up and if you read the entire post someone asked me for my marks.
  17. slowjam10

    Year 12 Jerseys

    Ours are short sleave football jerseys which is ridiculous because every sports day we all sit there and freeze. Every other year they were long sleave, the someone got the 'bright idea' to make them short. Most of the school year is winter so ..hello!!!
  18. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    No actually i was asking for advice. Just becuase a teacher may be hopeless Im not going to just sit there and get shit marks for it. It seems to get any sympathy you have to be doing shit. But you know people can be disadvantaged and be able overcome their adversity. Just becuase you do well...
  19. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    yeah I don't know its so up in the air. I mean i could teach myself but that's basically what I already have to do in all my other subjects because our teachers (most of them anyway) just don't know what they're doing or really don't give a damn. Also, I have Extension History to teach myself...
  20. slowjam10

    Dropping Modern then down to 10 Units...Thoughts?

    yeah seee that's why its such a hard decision.. But teh reason i want to drop modern is becuase we literally haven't been taught anything correctly. Like we have been given wrong dates for events and names of people and an assignemnt which we haven't been taught anything about.