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    does anyone here go to plc sydney??

    hehehehhe ... plc pymble... my schools MAJOR enemies.... know what u mean jim bob.. :)
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    i hate listenin too! its soooo boring and is always so stupid. any1 noticed how dumb the listening exercises are? its like "oh i booked accomodation at this hotel and my car broke down!" "Oh, maybe you can find another hotel!" or "Im feeling sick at the moment, i need some medicine" doctor ...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    monsoon wedding soph? E' un film italiano? Io non ho sentito prima di questo film? Anch'e e' sul dvd ancora?. dove andate per vedere i film stranieri?
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    anyone got solutions to 2003 hsc exam specimen paper?

    okay... no helpful replies for me!!!! i cant reallly post the questions guys cause my teacher just gave us a bundle of prac pappers and answers.. and it was in there. therefore, i lost the answer sheet and cant find on the net where it is. if i do stumble across it ill let you all know and...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    non c'e tanti film stranieri che ho visto.. la vita e bella, amelie, taxi, ummmm..... chocolat, ciclone, forse questo e' basta! Non c'e molti film qui da vedere dal'estero. Pero' mi sono resa conto che preferisco questi film la maggior parte del tempo. Qualche volta i film d'holllywood sono...
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    anyone got solutions to 2003 hsc exam specimen paper?

    im doing 2003 hsc exam specimen paper and cant find any answers.... i checked the real bos site, but ccant seem to find them any ideas or links any1?
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    If you had a choice to do the HSC in 2 years...

    depends on the person.... my sister did 3units of french hsc in yr 11 cause she went on french exchange in year 10... which meant she only had 8 units in yr 12 and soo many free periods.. she was so unmotivated cause she had so much free time and got soo sick of the hsc (like we all do)...
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    a joke throughout exam

    any1 know if the markers mind swearing in creative?? my character was depressed, and i did flashbacks to childhood.. how the depression grew inside them over time... they got to teenage years and swore heaps and i included comments made eg i said to my mum "fuck off ya bitch" i dont think...
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    crapppy having bio on the same day isnt it???? oh and also.. italian exam is on at exactly the same time as melbourne cup! im soo pissed cause stacks of my mates are going down the pub for mc arvo.. and i have to do italian! not fair!
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    hey guys.. ive returned to italian forum.. any1 done anyting for italian?? ive been focusing on modern history and maths next week.. and havent touched italian apart from maybe 2 hours in the hols once. shit! oh well. italian is that kinda subject you have to study all year round, and just...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    non mi piace leggere molto.. e' noioso e devo leggere sempre i libri per la scuola.. ivece mi piace molto guardare un bel film per rillassarmi un po. Ieri ho visto un bel film che intitola "Amelie". E' un film francese ed e' bravissima! Qualc'uno ha visto questo film prima? Mi sono resa conto...
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    60 minutes is Fuct

    i dont really think its much of an issue.. however i didn't see how distressing the story really was.. honest opinion: did any1's hsc english really get effected by it? did any1 watch it and decide to committ suicide? if so you guys have a point.. if all it did was give you guys sumthing to...
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    English Is Finally Overrrrrr......

    i read all my texts they were interesting, apart from maybe king lear which i not only did not understand, but gave up trying after 1/4 of the book. gay, gay book to read. but other texts were awesome for advanced. frontline, bladerunner, bnw, and my change texts were music so i lurrved doing...
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    Greatest ever game created....ever

    ohhh, i thought this forum was about games in general.. i dont play comp games... however my favourite game would have to be TWISTER.. so much fun at parties, especially if theres someone of the opp sex playing that you like, vveerrry good excuse to "accidently" fall on top of them when you get...
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    Best Show/Movie Quotes!

    "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Homer is using his computer at home "I think Ill order a TAB!" "All these momements will be lost like tears in the rain." heheh Blade Runner "I am so smart, I am so smart.... S-M-R-T" can't remember the exact quotes...
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    why was paulini in the bottom three

    yeah.... Cosima has certainly got that star quality, now that she got the fringe. she was looking hoooorrrible pre-fringe but now shes like a different person.... absolutely STUNNING! I think her voice has been used with better songs recently, eg RESPECT is sooo much better for her. i agree...
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    R.I.P Elliott Smith

    thats so sad.. i heard it jjj yesterday and was like "I never even new this guys music, I never got the chance to begin to appreciate him and his music, now I can NEVER go to his concert" Its like a part of the music industry has crumbled....
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    Post good punk/rock/pop-rock bands here.

    jack johnson!! yayhhhh!! ben lee!!! yahhhh!! john mayer!!! yahhhe bob marly!!! whoppppeee !! the good ole queen's best of album!!! yahhhhh!! coldplay double yaaahhhhh!! - these are all my fav bands...oops almost forgot nelly furtardo yaahhh!! (new cd is gonna be shithouse thou, i can just feel...
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    Who's bored off their nut studying? what crazy stuff has HSC made you do?

    hehehe.... i know exactly what you guys feel bout the laughing about nothing thingy. if i talk to friends on the fone, we just laught the most banale things that are soooooo not usually funny. i act really stupid at home as well, just start saying stupid things that don't make sense, and i...
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    Who needs to wear school uniform to the exams ?

    heheheh... we dont have to wear one !!!! im so glad cause some of these hot days are long private school sacks really do make u sweat... i was pretty suprised cause our skool is the TIGHTARSE capital of sydney.. and soooooo obsessed bout uniform usually lucky us :):)