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    motivational songs

    jack johnson... album: on and on... actually this cd just makes me feel like im stoned on a beach somewhere.. ah stuff it, motivation takes too much effort!
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    How many essays have you written since year 12 started?

    english.. hmmm... i wrote stacks cause i actually find them interesting, and english is my fav subject (mind you modern his ive barely done any!) so ive prob done: 5 change prac essays 5 King Lear prac essays 5 In The Wild prac essays 2 Frontline prac essays which is a grand total of...
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    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    to get 90 in a subject you've either gotta work your arse off, or be naturallly talented- hate to say the obvious but its true!
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    the motivation's at an all time low

    yeah, i got 8 exams too.... sucks like shit.. although hopefully the marking centre will take into consideration, scale me up or somethinng (aasss ifff ) i took english arvo off too.. then went out last night down the pub with some mates to celebrate end of english, its amusing how exciting...
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    Questions seemed easier and more general then last 2 years?

    i actually find bullshitting really fun! its sooo much more interesting than boring maths.. i suppose thats cause im pretty opinionate myself.. oh well, i know every1 is happy its ova but english is my best subject, and i really enjoy it . i suck at bio and maths not looking forward to it:(
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    Module B - King Lear

    that question was the bomb!!! i wrote the best lear essay i had ever done, and more! trials my essay structure was up shitcreek, but ideas were good... this time ideas were the same, essay structure was perfect- thanks to a brill question and a bit of prac:) im a happy chappy!
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    Official Question 2 Thread - Creative Writing

    I think i killed this section.. I used the fire as a stimulus as a metaphor for my 'fire' inside me, which was depression, and started off as a small spark as a child and grew as i grew older into a violent fire. Mine was pretty depressing, i swore in the creative.. as i was a violent...
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    what do u think u got out of 45?

    seriously? i usually do shit creative stories.. but this time i think i pretty much aced the story.. im sooo happy! and the speech was piss easy! however.. that poem in section 1 didn't even relate to change, and didn't barely any techniques to talk about, it sucked my mark? 40/45 - English...
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    Italian movies

    vai via cane'! Che comica! Thats great, ill remember to use it in my exam... NOOOTTT i think the examiner would be a lil worried... my Italiano class decided to do abusive letters in Italian once, like just as a joke, pretending that the "friend in Italy" in our prac in class writing task, was...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    meling.. insomma, che c'e'? non posso capire che vuoi dire? Sono molto confusa, puoi scrivere in Englese, poi in Italiano, quindi sara piu' chiara che vuoi dire. Mi dispiace, non sono molto brava in grammatica! grazie mille.
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    buon idea, poi, sciverci come dirla va bene?? Voglio sapere che c'e' adesso.
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    post HSC italian

    wow.... this job is sounding better and better! although ud have to have absolutely PERFECT grammar.. which is definitely a prob for me (example from other thread) I HATE grammar. I wish we could just make up our own grammar, thats what they used to do in Italy.. practically every1 just...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    im guessing ive been overruled by this one.... i think u guys are right too.. i should really check a book but culdnt be stuffed. sono stata does sound weird now that u mention it!
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    Italian movies

    yeah... who was so insconsiderate?? that just pisses me off. I mean what do they really think that Hsc students should have to wait a whole year until next years film festival?? they should have their priorities right!! waaaaaayyyy to much study... thats wat turns me like this.... omg, I...
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    post HSC italian

    wow.. sounds cool.. maybe it will be added to my list of top carriers... Its almost up there with travel jounalism! or entertainment writing, for me that is.
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    Italian movies

    i wish i had the time to go to the italiano flim festival.... guess il have to wait till they come out on vid.
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    Frontline Episode Question!!!

    definitely smaller fish...
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    obscure Lear productions?!

    hey, you can even make up your own production. thats what im doing, and i cant gaurentee there wont be another essay like mine in the whole of Australia, cause all my ideas are original and suited to the interpretations that im doing (absurd/conventional.) originality and flair is the...
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    Does any1 have anys notes on the case for comment scandal????

    Cash for comment? easy. Ive used it as a supp too. Just simply type in "cash for comment" on google search engine. should come up with some stuff. also try typing "cash, comment Laws, and Media Watch" - this could be useful. alternatively or as well, search on the abc site "media watch"...
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    post HSC italian

    sounds pretty exotic.. but yeah.. what is involved apart from translating passages? do you travel n stuff?