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  1. A

    Best memory of italian classes. teacher? fav subject? fav song? fav food?

    thats sooo true the traffic thingy... i had to hold ppls hands as we crossed the roads in the cities... otherwise i think i wouldve been run over.. they're soooo crazy. And driving, no blinkers for overtaking!! no speed limits!! every1 drove whilst talking on mobile fones, and petrol stations...
  2. A

    Italian movies

    Vai via cane' l'aragosta e' un crostaceo struzzi i cameli niente what do these mean?? I can't figure it out and coulnt b bothered looking them up! I went to uffizzi also, it was stupendous! I loved it... and Sophie i think i went to galleria dell'accademia, cause i certainly saw david...
  3. A

    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    si e proprio difficile, non voglio fare gli esami! Abbiamo solo 3 ore per presentare il nostro Italiano da 5 anni d'imparare! non e giusto. Anche, la maggior parte di noi abbiamo la biologia prima d'Italiano!! AARRRGGHH... devo andare adesso, la mia mamma mi sta dicevando (thats soo wrong) per...
  4. A

    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    che cosa significa di "cretina io" , mei ling. anche "non spara" che c'e? Sono conenta, anch'io che qualche persona vogliono practicare con me sul internet. E' piu' interessante di studiare da solo con i miei libri. Pero', se conosci qualch'uno dalla tua classa che si piaccerebbe studiare in...
  5. A

    What's the best thing to eat for breakfast on an exam day??

    bacon and eggs... hmmm scumptiously yummy but ALWAYS makes me fart to the max.. think ill just stick to black vanilla tea (its delicious, calming and doesnt make you fart!!) and country grain toast with cherry jam... yummo! and i might even slip a bowl of icecream like i did this morning...
  6. A

    Italian movies

    thats pretty funny niente!! Ive said some pretty funny mistakes while i was overseas (even though i learn italian) but they dont beat that! I loved florence too, especially fiesole the lil town that overlooks florence. I stayed in a lil town called Vicchio, about 1 hour from Florence...
  7. A

    Best memory of italian classes. teacher? fav subject? fav song? fav food?

    yeah, i went to an all girls school, so there wern't any guys in our class. we had the lolly jar thingy too!! and the same deal, by year 12 we got lollies when my teacher was feeling generous. starbursts!!! mmmmmmmm...... Ill have to check up the other threads to read about where you guys...
  8. A

    Best memory of italian classes. teacher? fav subject? fav song? fav food?

    our teacher never gave us much really... but yeah, ive made special bonds with the girls in our italian class cause there were only 9 of us, and these are ppl i wouldn't normally be friends, from all different groups at my school, but italian has made some of us really close. Soph, we didn't...
  9. A

    post HSC italian

    Im deferring next year uni, and im going to italy, france, germany, spain, to work and travel and there are stacks of ppl i know (couple of friends, 3 of my cousins, my 2 sisters) who are going overseas for hols/backpacking at some point in the year so im gonna have a ball!! i cant wait to...
  10. A

    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    perche' io sono sicura che "non fa funziona" is correct, ma io non sono sicura che c'e in questa situatzione! Mi sono resa conto che non c'e molti studenti Italiani che usano questo servizio sul internet in questo periodo eccetto di me e te "iambored", perche'? Forse la ragione e perch'e...
  11. A

    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ciao a tutti, non c'e molti studenti d'Italiano che usano questo servizio sul internet. Pensavo che sarebbe un buon idea se potremmo praticare scrivere, e aiutarci con i scritti sul questo thread? Che ne pensate? se vuoi practicare, lasciare un messagio, e l'altre persone possono corregere le...
  12. A

    Who's bored off their nut studying? what crazy stuff has HSC made you do?

    I also sat on my head for an hour cause i couldnt work out a maths question... i suggest it to u all, can help clear the head for sure!! the increase blood flow seems to sort the confusion out somehow.
  13. A

    how did everyone go in their trials?

    i got 80% which i was extatic with cause im shit at history and just do extension cause its such an awesome subject, i mean interesting and stuff. Im pretty much your average bear in modern history, i get like on the average year mark every time, but for some reason i get thru extension with...
  14. A

    another prediction please :S

    shit.. wouldnt be worried if i was you.. sounds like youll do well whatever you pull. but as goes for all the other hsc predictions.. i reckon u know better than anyone else what your gonna get based on how youve don so far, how much study youve don. but i dont understand how anyone could be...
  15. A

    will i get over 85 for my uai

    dude... I seriously would stop trying to figure out what ure gonna get at this stage.. just study ure arse off if your worried about it and make sure your not too pooped to get thru exams. its important to be fresh for exams as well as being prepared. i mean honestly, ppl who estimate uai's...
  16. A

    Best memory of italian classes. teacher? fav subject? fav song? fav food?

    i luuuuurrrrrrrvvvveee any thing italian. im gonna miss italian sooo much cause we had an awesome teacher who'd throw these made parties, and shed bring in all this italian food my fav italian foods eg: - baked ricotta - nutella - gelato!!! -olives/ antipasto - crostini - panetone -...
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    i wasn't saying that text type is NOT important, i meant that i wuldnt be concerned bout it too much. Cause its pretty basic and obvious that an informal letter uses informal language. also if your writing an article, just like in english you must have a heading of course. all im trying to...
  18. A

    School Finished!

    i cried.. not cause i was gonna miss everyone.. actually im not sure why i cried, i think i was prob stressed and so glad skool was over. I mean what could be better than leaving skool? You get to see the ppl you want, and its easier to ignore those that you dont like.. i had no regrets/sad...
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    Farrrrrrrr out!!!!!!!!! I can't freakin wait 4 this HSC to b over....

    yeah.. its getting friggin annoying, whats more im sorta sick of compaining about it.. so i think im gonna give up complaining about work and how bored i am for the rest of the HSC... hey i never thought of this as a way to combat my stress and dead shit boring arse state... maybe it will...
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    Tomboys VS Sissies Poll

    neither??? does that count for anything??? i dont really know the difference and i dont really give a fuck.. I mean if i get on with a person, and ive got stuff in common, thats great well be mates... but if they're annoying, or weve got nothing to say... well were not. I dont really care for...