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  1. A

    What did every one do for Muck Up Day?

    our skool is pretty tightarse, but i decided to chuck stink bombs into classroom windows. cause there were so many year 12's having water fights and dressing up running around teachers couldn't find out who it was. heaps of classrooms had to evacuate, it was pretty funny i heard later on...
  2. A

    Y doesnt anyone wanna help me??

    dunnno.. its really hard to tell, depends on how well ure subjects scale and all. Its impossible to tell. but prob in 80s or low 90s at the most. depends on ure HSC performance too. If have studied ure arse off, perhaps 90;s but just work as hard as possible without dying, and thats the best...
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    What do you regret?

    if i culd redo it, id have studied all along, rather than just b4 assessments, and exams, then i wuldn't be stressn my brains out now..
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    Your favourites

    film: Gossip male film star: Matt Damon/Ashton Crutcher Female film star: Drew Barrymore TV show: Rove Live/Malcom in the middle/Simpsons/friends male TV star: Rove McMahon/Matt le Blanc female TV star: Jennifer Garner cartoon character: Barnie, the simpsons song: chorus "oh place...
  5. A

    Who's bored off their nut studying? what crazy stuff has HSC made you do?

    Im absolutely stuffed with studying! Sometimes i find myself laughing at TV adds, even dumbest ones that arnt even funny. I cant sleep without thinking of school work, I even study in my dreams sometimes. Im sick of it! I've eaten so much chocolate I think my body has become reliant on...