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    I don't think that sounds healthy... i mean.. Kim Beazley!! oh well, i think weve all stretched out over the past year... or those of us who have made friends with the books. BUt hey, once this shit is over we wont need to splurge out in the middle of the night for chocolate binges will we...
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    How's This For Stress?

    I dont why i was ever complaining, i guess my timetables alright... id prefer it to be done in three weeks, but my spread is almost perfecto: week one: english, english Week two: general maths, modern history week three: Italian, biology, 3 unit english week four: 3 unit history (last...
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    Birthdays during the HSC???

    Nup... I hate to be slack and all... but sucked in. thats really bitchy isn't it? Oh well, its what i was thinking. must be in the first week too, one of your first exams??? even worse. sucked in again... Im such a bitch...
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    Farrrrrrrr out!!!!!!!!! I can't freakin wait 4 this HSC to b over....

    Im feeln EXACTLY the same right now.... cept maybe that ive done stacks of work these hols for bio... and still feel i know nothing. why is every1 so worried bout english? you just gotta member a few quotes and spin some shit around on the paper, i never understand why ppl find it so hard...
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    amount of study

    i think im spinning out... to much work.. not nough play.. only 1 week to go thou
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    Indochina question

    try one of those excel study guides... theyre at the local libraries, usally pretty good, at answering dot points etc.
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    Indochina question

    hey, to be quite honest i dont summarise the dot points to study... I know that i should but i find it immensly boring and pointless for me personally.. instead i do prac essays of every kind, ive probab done a layout structure of almost every essay there is on indochina and then i practice...
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    Indochina question

    Im not sure, thats a tricky one.. the sources nature and conflict thingy, but id say that its talking about the development of the war from 60 onwards... as in the nature of the war, how Johnson escalated.. the fact that the war was televised by 1967 should be quite important i would think...
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    Indochina question

    Im not sure, thats a tricky one.. the sources nature and conflict thingy, but id say that its talking about the development of the war from 60 onwards... as in the nature of the war, how Johnson escalated.. the fact that the war was televised by 1967 should be
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    hey sophie, i wouldn't worry too much about text type, as if theyre gonna go out of their way to try and confuse us with fancy new text types. I mean they're testing us on ITALIAN not on text types. in answer to ure question, you've listed all the ones i can think of, i havent done any...
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    Jinnah essay/notes heres Jinnah/nehru notes and a jinnah essay. hope it works okay.
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    okay chloe ive figured out how to do it with the help of some other 'bored' ppls. here we go. hope this works!
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    okay, how do i attach stuff to a forum? ive got a word doco of bout 6 pages on Jinnah/Nehru/prac response but itl take up too much of this page.
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    yeah i guess its one of those.... one of the real tight arse kind, where you gotta dress like and act like nuns... i better get away from this site now though, cause i got an indochina essay to do, but il get that jinnah stuff posted by about 5 for you.
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    Loreto Normanhurst, never heard of yours is it in sydney?
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    umm.. im still in the process of transfering them from handwritten essays into typed up notes, il prolly get to that this arvo so ill post my notes then for you. if you have anything typed out on jinnah, could i have a look at it? u might have sumthing i missed!
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    National Studies HISTORIOGRAPHY

    question.... with this whole historiography thingy, i only just realised it was important aswell.... should we show the differing opinions between people of the time, eg between McNamara and Johnson on americans involvement in Indochina? or differing opinions of specific historians, eg...
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    personality jinnah, help needed

    hey, cant believe there is one other skool doing india!! i was so amazed, i just had to post a reply, its somethin like 2% of the state or something! okay, jinnah, basically you've gotta understand everything past 1919 up until the end date, (1949 isnt it?) is there anything in particualar...
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    How's This For Stress?

    Ive got exams spread over the whole period.... am i stressed NOO!!!! 2 in the first week, 2 in the second week, 2 in the third week, 1 in the 4th week.... although Ive gotta say, it is a bit too spread isn't it? of course im glad Im not one of u ppl with 6 exams in 10 days or whateva it is!
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    A little tip for studying...

    even better, go to a library where u don't know ppl, ive found the same that the library environment helps to study... but if you dont even have friends to distract you get absolutely STACKS done. I get about 6 hours of steady study done each library visit, then can come home and relax talk to...