Search results

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    WW1 (Core)

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    Jack Johnson fans who missed out on tickets to Sydney concert....

    if you get some lethal disease ... could u possibly put the tickets in ure will for me!
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    the modern comedown

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    i didnt do cambodia because i find the dates from 75-79 sooo confusing, and i can never remember the exact details... so i took the 'easy' option. gulf tonkin. i think they shouldve extended the period to the 70s, but i still managed to flesh my essay into 11 pages.. (extraordinary for this...
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    Other National Studies

    no one does india!! but our questions were alright, i did a pracitice at home of one of them a few weeks ago so i was set.. the gandhi question was a bit dumb, but communalism/nationalism was great... hence i chose that one! our nationalist leader (jinnah) was fantastic question... allowed...
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    WW1 (Core)

    ww1: three words. easy, easy, easy. I did 1 hour in total of revision of my notes and i still think i did top answers. as for the other parts.... well, thats another story...
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    India national study...

    Anyone do this question..??? were only like 1%of the state did it or sumthing.... The main questions were pretty good... communalism and nationalism.. in the 30s/40s was a lil narrow.. but there was stuff to talk bout.. gandhi one i thought was gay. jinnah ques repeated themselves. why...
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    I'm Ready

    whhhoooaa.. sounds like there are some pretty serious casualities on the way for tonight! im going to bed now.. ive finsihed revision for ww1.... dont wear yourselves out too much now.. remember what happened to the German army on the Hindenburg line? They were so exhausted that the Spring...
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    How are you feeling?

    good luck guys@!!!! i agree.... ive studied for this more than all the other subjects put together (almost!) yet if they choose a bitch of a question... im screwed!! hopefully if that occurs every1 wil be screwed.. n well alll be screwed 2gether.. wont that b fun! i spoke to hsc advice...
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    Im So Scared

    aarrrrggghhhh....!!!>>!>!>>!>!!>!>!>!>945083458093^^&*( thats how i feel at the moment... i only just picked up my notes to revise ww1 2 hours ago.. i think i shouldve started ww1 earlier... but ive bin focusign on vietnam/india! i hope all i just read in speed revision will stick... please...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    dove 'iambored' non ha scritto qui per cosi tanto.
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    stupid things i do!

    di solito pratico al'altro forum.... questo e' per scrivere englese di solito riguardo italiano!
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ciao katie.. no ho scritto a te ancora! come va? dove abiti? abito a sydney in un subborgo un mezz'ora dalla citta. Non ho visto il film di matrix ancora.. perche non ti piace il film?
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    northern italian food--HELP!!

    ummm.. i went to northern italy.. we ate pasta, lasagna, tiramisu... pizza the usual! um thats all i can remember really !!! chances are you dont really need to know about the menu, but if u can speak italian it could be a bonus! look at a map of northern italy. pass around a bit of...
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    Jack Johnson fans who missed out on tickets to Sydney concert....

    Any1 miss out on tickets to the sydney concert of Jack Johnson?? I did.. and I was thinking if we get enough ppl to go to his site ( and protest on one of the forums, we might be able to beg him to do another concert in Sydney! Get everyone you know to add a message and...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ahh va bene. non ho visto matrix reloaded ancora! vicino all'Etna!! ahhhh.. che paura! quale scuola hai frequenatato? se non vuoi dire non fa niente.
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    monica belluci? scusa? per la nostra gita, siamo andati al posto per il giornale... la fiamma a leichardt.. e siamo andati anche a coasit e poi a cafe gioia per pranzare. era proprio eccitante. dove abitano i tuoi parenti?
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    sono andata a con la scuola una volta. ma non mi ricordo questo molto bene. Amo leichardt perche mi fa ricordare delle giornate in Italia.. Il forum e proprio simile dei forum in Italia! che ne pensi? Ogni volta che vado li sogno ad occhi aperti di quando potrei andare all'estero di...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    si l'aroma e proprio deliziosa! quando esco al cafe con amici,, sempre prendo un cafe perche e vero che sia proprio buono.. ma preferisco prendere il cafe solo qualche volta.. e solo Il migliore al cafe perche poi e speciale. Anche, odio il cafe a casa e troppo 'watery'... amo il capuccino...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ora/???? in questo momento adesso guardi la televisione?? quale chanele? o guardi la televisione recentement?/ sono confusa. guardavo la televisione per l'italiano molto tempo fa.. ma e un po noioso e preferisco il radio. Beato te!! hai solo 3 esami! ho 5 ancora!!! biologia.. englese...