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  1. A

    questions, questions, more questions...

    meosis and the process of crossing over, segregation of chromosomes and the production of haploid gametes with this.. i always just use simple diagram that my teacher did at school to explain the whole process.. with descriptions around the diagram of each stage.. this should be fine im sure...
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    questions, questions, more questions...

    rosem is right... and so are you about sex linkeage mei! umm.../.. just reading dotties now... yeah your right actually the dot below talks about gamete production and variation of offspring..... Im thinking if you understand all of this stuff, even if dot points overlap youll be okay in the...
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    Stupid Australia scientist thing

    if they ask it... im guessing 95% of the state wont have done it (me like every1 never even heard of that skill!).. i mean really! i dont think they would... and if they do... well all be scaled together! dont worry guys...
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    siamo due tipi diversi me ling! aparte d'Italiano non abbiamo niente in commune!
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    stupid things i do!

    do u listen to this rhino... im wondering if its a diff channel in our area..... wait ... are u from our area iambored... sydney?
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    What can they ask us to write for 8 marks?

    ummm.... probab some experiment thats what we had for trials. on sub concentration/temp/ph + enzymes where u havet o rewrite exp and do a graph and results and conclusion n all. culd be on a gay scientist or something! or maybe on ....... technology.... dunno :)
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ti innamorasi - whasit mean? dovrebbssere is "would have to be"... ill just say it again.. love that quote... im soo using it in my written on tues! Sono sicuro che se tu dovesi andare a sicilia, ti innamorasi con il dialetto ... hmmm i just dragged out my dusty grammar book to check on...
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    punctuated equillibrium?

    so..... conflicting accounts on isolation? now im confused! whos right tele or nek?
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    EXPERIMENT: carbon dioxide and pH

    nope.. thats officially it. all questions answered. i know enough to have taken out the experiment myself! thanks soo much nek :)
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ma perche' parlano velocemente al nord? Ancora non capisco! correction: mi ha chiamato i think... isnt it al telefono no sul telefono? i remember my teacher saying this once. dovrebbssere - is this right? ive never heard of it but that doesnt mean much! sounds sophisticated! isnt it...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ma perche' parlano velocemente al nord? Ancora non capisco! correction: mi ha chiamato i think... isnt it al telefono no sul telefono? i remember my teacher saying this once. dovrebbssere - is this right? ive never heard of it but that doesnt mean much! sounds sophisticated! isnt it...
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    Help: Shape of the lens

    near objects = fat lens (ciliary body squeezes lens until it is short and dense) far objects = thin lens (muscles pull the lens into a long thinner shape) accomodation is the ability of the eye to change its lens shape to focus on objects that are near or far away.
  13. A

    questions, questions, more questions...

    btw... there stuff in bio excel.. only a little that may help u understand this dot. pg 39-40. ill post it if u dont have it, tell me!
  14. A

    questions, questions, more questions...

    okay ill have a go at the last one.. the relationship betwen the structure and behaviour of chroms during meiosis and inheritance of genes: Im pretty sure this is talking about the process meiosis and how the 4 daughter cells produced will have genes inherited from both parents...
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    sex linkeage!!! pls help... :)

    thats certainly a lot better than my text book! why didnt they just write that in my text? woulda made it a whole lot easier!
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    sex linkeage!!! pls help... :)

    thanks allrounda.. thas better... dont worry babydoll this is good.
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    sex linkeage!!! pls help... :)

    okay... i know sum ppl were explaining on mirc last night but im still having dillemmas.. i read the text book stuff some more.. and here is my problem: so female = xx male = xy If there is a deficiency it is almost always on the x chrom..... (eg haemophilia) females having 2 x chroms...
  18. A

    Essential knowledge

    everything!!!! memorise excel.. and u might be right lol.. just seriously learn as much as you can cause there are any real key points to learn it all is! heck; if i knew the key points id only learn those and scrap the rest of the course! :)
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    EXPERIMENT: carbon dioxide and pH

    thankyou very much... this is helping.. so in an exam i would say as part of the method: place the tube from a data logger inside the test tube before adding the hydrochloric acid to the connected tube of marble chips to demonstrate the change in ph that occurs when Co2 is added to water...