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  1. A

    Rate the exam

    llooveeedd that exam! i luuurrvvee anaylsing things so it was great! 8marker was fab for crapping on..
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    a) describe the processes involved in the transfer of information from DNA through RN

    good description seb... nice work. :) your gonna ace it tomoro.
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    4 esami! Che peccato! In bocco al lupo a tutti!!! Mi manchera' l'Italiano....
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    McFarlane Burnet?

    yeah.. i thought he was trying to make me fail! lol... but yeah... im guessing burnet used scientific research to back up his studies and jenner just first introduced the idea of the small pox vaccine thru trial and error. there you go the world isnt out to get me after all!
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    t and b cells

    my notes arent on the computer and itl take yrs to type them up but look up a text book or check out the answers to dot points on the charles sturt site this is quite important for the topic...
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    McFarlane Burnet?

    okay im just looking at this question now! ive got access to the answer so ill paste it out for you...... actually thats going to take years because the acrobat thingy wont let me copy/paste... so ill give you the site where you can access the answer (someone posted this on mirc last...
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    McFarlane Burnet?

    okay im just looking at this question now! ive got access to the answer so ill paste it out for you...... actually thats going to take years because the acrobat thingy wont let me copy/paste... so ill give you the site where you can access the answer (someone posted this on mirc last night....)
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    McFarlane Burnet?

    i just found a questino in NEAP trial from 2001 which says: ' with reference to MacFarlane Burnet explain the effectiveness of vaccination programs in preventing the occurence and spread of a named once common disease" just thought id post this so that ppl realise we do have to know...
  9. A

    help! is anorexia a nutritional deficiency disease?

    me confused.. conflicting accounts... ah well.. i might do scurvy.... actually no! i dont want to change my notes now!!! il ring advice line this arvo for that one. thanks guys..
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    DNA sequences

    sorry.. no the board of studies... the charles sturt site hear it is!
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    DNA sequences

    yeah thats right .... mutations... thats exactly it!
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    help! is anorexia a nutritional deficiency disease?

    i was pretty sure it was.. but looking over some notes nutritional deficiency is more like vitamin c and scurvy etc? can any1 confirm if anorexia is classified as a nutritional deficiency or a a mental disease.... because it is the patients external influences that makes them stop eating food...
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    DNA sequences

    thats waht i said last night in the mirc bio forum.... everyone else was like 'thats so easy!' and someone put up the link to the board of studies site dotpoints and its got a flow chart of dna sequence gone wrong... and the consequent change in amino sequence.. and ultimately a different...
  14. A

    sex linkeage!!! pls help... :)

    no comment. im typeless. literallly.
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    McFarlane Burnet? thats a biography of burnet.. that xiao person last night told me the thing about the cow pox/small pox vaccine was right!i checked my books just then its bull shit~~! Some one else is trying to make me fail! hehhe. nah Jenner discovered the...
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    sex linkeage!!! pls help... :)

    sucked in !!! Chicks are gonna rule the world!! i wonder if theres some feminist who goes around contracting and spreading sex linked diseases just so she can make the male population die out!!! how lucky would the last few males be though? all those women!!!
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    Best memory of italian classes. teacher? fav subject? fav song? fav food?

    too bad! pick it up in uni.. but you wont get the parties ..heheheh too bad! its the best and funnest subject i do!
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    Tuesday 4th November 2003

    eheheh E' proprio vero! Il mondo sarebbe un posto orribile se tutte le persone erano lo stesso... che noioso! Preferisco d'avere un mondo di tanti tipi di persone come abbiamo! Pero'... sarebbe meraviglioso se non c'era i schifosi capi dei poltici.... Potrono essere come miali qualche volta...
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    Ciao a tutti, dove sono tutti gli studenti d'Italiano???

    ciao!!! ho ritornato!!! ho fatto il forum di Biologia ieri sera! Devo studiare molto per la Biologia, anche l'altre ragazzi che fa Biologia qui (quasi tutte le ragazze che fa l'Italiano fa anche Biologia ed e' proprio difficile!) Quindi.. sta sera guardero' ai miei notizie.. e basta! ho fatto...
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    thanks for that monkey.... thought i mustve been going crazy cause i thought this was right.. i was too lazy to check though!