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  1. A

    Low Marks

    nah its true.. ppl round here take hsc way too seriously.. (i spose im a but of a culprit too!) but yeah... ppl who are stressing over 1 unit of history.. cummon? priorities!!!! Pub tomorow night and the exam will be over!! yahh..... and then formal and schoolies... ppl who are stressED CALM...
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    Historiography essay... order of points???

    im doing kennedy... its soo interesting an compliments the stuff we did in modern with vietnam and all. Ive really enjoyd it and its made x history easy and fun for me! (not like bloody 2 unit.. i hated that and was so bad at it.. funny isnt it?) but yeah.. i guess thats cause i liked the...
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    I actually usually base my argument around quotes from the source compiled with my answer to the question and linked the relevevant historians that we studied... i dont always have quotes to back up each one.. but OCCASIONALY if it really helps the discussion and if theyre easy to remember...
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    I actually usually base my argument around quotes from the source compiled with my answer to the question and linked the relevevant historians that we studied... i dont always have quotes to back up each one.. but OCCASIONALY if it really helps the discussion and if theyre easy to remember...
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    Historiography essay... order of points???

    hey yeah.. i just rang the hsc advice line and got him too! he was really good. It was so funny.. my family bag me out for using the bozos way too much... cause i do.. every question i got i usually ring them up or something.. cause im like "it only costs 25 cents, such good value.. better...
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    Historiography essay... order of points???

    Personally, I would think that Herodotus and Thuc are pretty important to compare the changes in historiographical methods since history began as a practice. but if your teacher is good, and experienced i guess they know what theyre doing and you've probably got enough stuff to relate to the...
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    Historiography essay... order of points???

    thanks for contributions guys... its given me some food for thought!! psych.. if u went okay in trials then dont worry.. if you didnt do as the others say.. and just memorise sum extra stuff today and tomorow.. if you got the harper book use it its really good.. or even go to the library your...
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    school texts

    We did too! I loved reading out the critics part and getting so tongue tied and acting completly over the top with the pompous voices and all!! We had so many crack ups!! HOwever, if your planning on reading it.. I think its pretty crap! Fun to read aloud but i thought the actual content...
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    Historical Works

    Oh another goody that ive been wanting to read for agggessss.. The Bronze Horseman.. by (i know this author!!) Paulina Simmons. For anyone who doesnt know her books, Simmons is the most fantastic writer! I loved "Eleven Hours" - so exciting and gripping "Red Leaves" - fantastic crime...
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    Vote for books (thread #2...oops!)

    Yeah... when do we start reading... im thinking this wednesday after my last exam...wait no ill be too pissed to read after my exam!! well thursday in the midst of a hangover might be my starter... but when is the official start?
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    Historiography essay... order of points???

    Thanks so much! But I've never heard of those four groups.... which is strange because my teacher is really with it! I wont bombard you with questions about the groups... however tempting it might be! Ill give the advice line a ring this arvo to find out more. thanks again!
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    whats ur opinion on Lolita?

    I loved the movie it was so twisted and weird but so fantastic! I started watching it during trials when it was on as the 'midday movie' when i was sposed to be studying for an exam the next day... and i got so hooked i had to see it out to the end.. fabulous movie.. i hope the book is as...
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    Reading List

    Is Utopia good? wait, if its such a small book I may as well just read it! Shouldnt take long anyway...
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    Historiography essay... order of points???

    Im just doing a prac essay now... and was a little bit stumped as to something. In what order do your points go? Is a chronological approach the most effective (for example, begin with Heroditus/Thucydides and move onto medieval etc etc ending with post modernism?) Or should it be more of a...
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    Historical Works

    Id like to read a book on JFK, after studying this in 3 unit history i was amazed to hear about how he had pot and cocaine parties with his exclusive group and how he really was not the glamorous man he appeared to be to the public.. he also had addisons disease which the public didnt really...
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    Source Book of Readings - HELP!!!

    Thats exactly waht ive been doing.... umm im confused now too... is our methodology correct or should be mentioning that historians come from say, the warren text? ??????
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    Section 2

    I think the most important thing to remember (I asked this question at a uni lecture and was told...) is to define what is YOUR definition of man/myth and public and private. throughout the year my class has debated over the definition and every1 has a slightly diff opinion on it.. so as long...
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    What case studies are you doing?

    we did kennedy.... i lurrrvveedd it! dont think i woulda eva done well in this subject if we hadnt done Kennedy. He is so interesting and the historians who wrote on him have the most diverse accounts you could imagine! this has been my favourite topic of every subject!
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    shit yeah..... ive stuffed around today. after a depressing 3unit eng exam ive gotta pick up my act if i wanna go well iin this one and match my other exam marks for ext history.... im gonna put everything into it starting tomorow! as much as every1 around me has finished the hsc and theyre...
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    Reading List

    yeah i wanna read this one too. iv gotta study for ext history too... havent started, tomorow seems more promising! Desert Flower.... I think thats wat its called... bin wanting to read for ages! also that one called "Utopia" (looked at it briefly with In the Wild in english) by... ive...