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    Study for Extension History

    i think you just know all the main historians every1 has mentioned and then it all depends on the question... not every historian relates to every question or source!
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    italian continuers

    dont you remember being in last term of yr 11 as you call it.. well last term of last yr and saying "wow were in yr 12 now! I cant believe it!" I dunno if you guys cllasify them like that or not.. we were called yr12 by last term got our common room and had yr 12 assessments etc.. were...
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    what kind of undies do you wear???

    nah.. i got pretty addicted to this a few weeks ago pysch.. until the forums became stupid and ppl started going rank and racist and stuff. now i couldnt be bothered anymore. i takes up too much time usualy. also, all my friends have finished so ive got ppl to talk to on the fone now! and i...
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    what kind of undies do you wear???

    genre was sweet, easy question and i wrote a damn good essay for the first time in my 3unit life.... as for creative crime fiction.. i abolutely fucked it. not because i couldnt have done it. because i read the quesiton wrong and thought it said to make up your own fictional character and write...
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    what kind of undies do you wear???

    howday find ext eng pysch?
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    italian continuers

    hate to break it to you all... but in case you didnt realise (and it sounds like you havent..) but yr 11;s are actually yr 12s now!!! yeah... we should help the runts out i spose.. Ill be overseas but so i might not be free very often... although i could still access net from overseas i...
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    Creative Piece For Genre?

    he im with you... except at least you changed your mistake! I misread the creative writing bit that said "prescribed text' so my whole creative writing piece is based around a fictional character who was misrepreseented.. i only realised after when i was telling every1 about how much i loved...
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    thanks heaps.. that was useful.. but i dont think you understood exactly what i meant.. the book i am doing is NOT a war time christie book... and it is one of her upper class typical cosy plots that is situated on an island with the typical cosy group on of ppl on holidays staying in a mansion...
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    thanks heaps.. that was useful.. but i dont think you understood exactly what i meant.. the book i am doing is NOT a war time christie book... and it is one of her upper class typical cosy plots that is situated on an island with the typical cosy group on of ppl on holidays staying in a mansion...
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    thanks for that stuwy... uve got an interesting perspective.. btw.. could u explain what you mean by the "post-modern nature of the questioning of bourgeois ideals prevalent in the middle class society of cosy fiction," because im doing evil under the sun, an agatha christie novel and i didnt...
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    thanks for that stuwy... uve got an interesting perspective.. btw.. could u explain what you mean by the "post-modern nature of the questioning of bourgeois ideals prevalent in the middle class society of cosy fiction," because im doing evil under the sun, an agatha christie novel and i didnt...
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    thats a good way of putting it... thanks :) sounds like you've cleared up the problem!
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    thats a good way of putting it... thanks :) sounds like you've cleared up the problem!
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    dont be confused.. i think boundaries is the problem.. i see boundary as a word that is very closed and inflexible.. i can see your using it to describe the boundaries authors create in their own writing but it seems like a strange way to put it. i dont think authors create their own...
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    dont be confused.. i think boundaries is the problem.. i see boundary as a word that is very closed and inflexible.. i can see your using it to describe the boundaries authors create in their own writing but it seems like a strange way to put it. i dont think authors create their own...
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    Crime Fiction

    Charlie.. thanks for the stuff on the film techniques i will certainly try to use plenty of them! I think the question could be on significance of the context like you said.. but it could be on a number of things. it will definitely in some way relate to genre and conventions. my...
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    possibility of a specific question

    yeah.. but how many schools would actually look at all four cores? i know we certainly didnt' and im assuming most other schools wouldnt have.. so as IF they would specify.. unless they were aiming at making half the state fail this exam! perhaps they MIGHT specify big sleep.. every1 would...
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    Crime Fiction

    shit.. im doing big sleep.. and my supps are books... crap.. maybe agatha christie is okay cause it is from the same era as big sleep and i can compare the diverse focus's even though theyre constructed in the same time period.. what dya think?
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    possibility of a specific question

    umm.... i asked my teacher this and he said it was certainly possible.. but highly unlikely. if they specified there would be like 1/3 of the candidates that would not have a clue as they may not have studied that core. so i wouldnt worry about it personally.. chances are very slim it will occur.
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    i get the feeling its a matter of opinion... and that it depends on the angle you take with this issue... what do other ppl think?