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  1. S

    7 Days To Go!!!!!!

    You don't really want me to say it again, do you ? :)
  2. S

    Austin booted me

    Nope, 20 is quite old and 17 is quite young. :)
  3. S

    7 Days To Go!!!!!!

    Ashleet - All you really need is a change of clothes and perhaps a vibrator.
  4. S

    Austin booted me

    Ashleet - ahh yeah, it is too, but you're '86.
  5. S

    7 Days To Go!!!!!!

    Yeah sorry forgot to talk about the thread topic... I am looking forward to it, not exactly completely excited or anything tho' - I've got lots of work and crap this week and stuff, and I've already moved out of home once this year.
  6. S

    7 Days To Go!!!!!!

    hmm not sure about the train, but it has a tobogan (sp) thing now, hasn't been in for more than a few years tho'
  7. S

    Austin booted me

    heh, those are pretty impressive stats ( Where did you say you heard them from ? ) The ex-professor I know was telling my parents how much alcohol gets "consumed" there, and was telling them about their drug problem too, so I don't have to hide anything from my parents now.
  8. S


    No I don't think that's quite true, the media spreads them and possibly makes them a bit worse. The media just gets false information, "dressing" it up a bit, then spreads it to many many many people, and because they are ( for a lot of people, not me ) a reliable source, people believe them.
  9. S

    Textbooks and Courses - Comp Sci

    8-10 - that's a LOT of money.
  10. S

    Southern Cross uni....

    Yeah it is small, I did year 11/12 there - it was nice for highschool, however I wouldn't want to do uni there ( just because it's all old to me now )
  11. S

    Austin booted me

    I've heard a lot of badish things about living on campus ( know a guy who used to be a professor there ), and he said the better students tend to live off campus. Also, I was very lucky in finding a place within the first few days of looking, word of mouth led us to this guy wanting to rent...
  12. S

    u ppl actually been 2 armidale?

    gem_max - You live in Coffs huh, I live in bello ( Moving to Armidale for uni, and actually I have always hated the place as well, even after going there a couple of times, but I went there last week and that completely changed my perspective of it )
  13. S


    pff! they recenty got all new computers - what a load of shit.
  14. S

    Bachelor of Science ( Or any science course )

    OK I managed to get through to them, APPARENTLY it depends on the stream you choose. For example the straight B. Science has a bit of eveything, but the Biomedical Science stream has stuff like Bio, Chem, Stats, Psycology etc, she said to talk to Trevor Brown on O' Week. We will sort it all out...
  15. S

    Bachelor of Science ( Or any science course )

    I've had a quick look, nothing in detail though, I will have a good read about it and see if I can find some answers, thanks.
  16. S

    Bachelor of Science ( Or any science course )

    Argh - the science Faculty isn't answering by phone or e-mail. I really need to know this. I HOPE so bad that there aren't any compulsory units.
  17. S


    Yes this is probably another case of this person knowing 1 person that didn't get a job, and maybe hearing about another one and then concluded all the information was true, and he didn't get the job not because of his ability, but because of the reputation of the uni he went to, so he came to...
  18. S

    School friends going too?

    er ok ?
  19. S

    Bachelor of Science ( Or any science course )

    I presume you mean no compulsories, not so ? And yeah, I will find out from the uni itself. How many units are you doing, 6 ? And is that for the first year or semester ?
  20. S

    School friends going too?

    Yes me too, I know 1 for sure ( possibly 1 or 2 more, don't know ) but anymore than that and it'd suck!