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  1. S

    How far are you traveling? Living on campus?

    Yes - turn them off. I think your parents should support you - it shows you're prepared to make a sacrifice in order to get ahead - it's called maturity. Oh yeah and also, if this guy will want me, I'll be living about 2KM from the uni ( heard too many bad things about living on campus, and...
  2. S

    Bachelor of Science ( Or any science course )

    Hello all I recently received my info pack about the sciences, as I am studying a Bachelor of Science at UNE. I came across the "core units" part in the end - does anyone know which of these ( or all ?! ) are compulsory for a B. Science ? I want to try and avoid as much maths as possible as...
  3. S

    Hours a week...

    Surely someone, anyone, must have an idea ?
  4. S

    Hours a week...

    Hi, I'm going to be doing a Bachelor of Science at UNE, and was wondering how many hours ( roughly ) I'd be looking at for actual uni class/lecture time ? Thanks
  5. S

    HELP, please!

    yep so I'll just have to wait and see now. Hopefully not many people will apply for two reasons 1) It's in Orange which is a hole and 2) This is the first year that Sydney Uni has had B. Science at Orange - What do you think ?
  6. S

    HELP, please!

    ok I gave them a call and they said that because they have vacancies and even though my UAI is below the cut off, there is still the possibility of me getting in.
  7. S

    HELP, please!

    Just wait a few hours after I ring the uni and post their reply.
  8. S

    HELP, please!

    I don't see why they wouldn't offer you a place if the course has vacancies if you are eligible for the course ( ie did the required subjects ), just read the UAC 2004 cut offs document, it says... "If you applied for a course marked with a V and you were not made an offer, your...
  9. S

    HELP, please!

    I realise this, but you're still not answering my question. I'll say it again... "what I asked was that if it has vacancies and I did the required subjects for the course do I have a good chance of getting in, even tho' my UAI is below the cut off ? And the course I'm going for isn't in a...
  10. S

    HELP, please!

    How can you say that without knowing what the demand is... with some courses the demand drops, and in some it increases and the UAI cut off follows accordingly. But I know if it reads V it's vacancies, how the hell else do you think I knew it had vacancies, what I asked was that if it has...
  11. S

    HELP, please!

    nah the coureses I'm looking at doing now wern't on my first round preferences. I'm going to have to rely on the second round Vacancies, so does anyone know if a course says "vacancies" if you have a good shot at getting in ?
  12. S

    HELP, please!

    Anyone ?
  13. S

    How is this possible?

    Do they tell you if you aren't eligible for the course ? ie don't do the required subjects ?
  14. S

    Required Subjects for Uni Courses - help!

    hmm ok I checked some and they're a couple points higher, but with the courses that are higher in the second round and STILL have vacancies - how does that work ? If they have places you would think it would drop. But basically, if there are places available and I do the required subjects...
  15. S

    Required Subjects for Uni Courses - help!

    DAMMIT, that sucks, as I don't have these courses on my current application. Thanks tho'
  16. S

    HELP, please!

    OK and assumed knowledge = pre-requisite ? Also, if your UAI is below the cut off for a course but it has vacancies ( assuming you did the required subjects ) do you have a good chance of getting selected ?
  17. S

    Required Subjects for Uni Courses - help!

    Does Vacancy mean that even if everyone had that course on their application ( either first or last ) the course won't be full still ? And they'll take anyone who applies and has done the required subjects ?
  18. S

    Required Subjects for Uni Courses - help!

    Why would it be higher if they have vacancies ? You'd think they'd lower it to fill the positions. Anyway I am short of the UAI cut offs but the courses have vacancies.
  19. S

    Word of Advice for 04's

    argh, too late for me now! Now I need to rely on my second round prefs to get in as I didn't select any of the courses I currently want to study ( or the place, same course ) due to a HUGE change of circumstance/perspective lately.
  20. S

    Required Subjects for Uni Courses - help!

    ahh excellent! so I'll still be up for selection in that course ? ( In Qld I was knocked back because of this, but in NSW I was always told if you "fullfill the requirements of the course" ( ie hand in all units, do assessments etc ) then you don't "fail" the course ) Also if a uni spot has...