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  1. S

    Word of Advice for 04's

    When does the SRAS application end ?
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    HELP, please!

    Yeah but what about my Q - I did the subject but didn't get above 50% - does it matter ?
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    HELP, please!

    That is OK Come on SOMEONE must know the answer. P.S we need to keep the thread alive which will increase the chances of a reply.
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    HELP, please!

    The URL of the thread is: My UAi was 67, obviously my bad result in maths killed my UAI, anyway I think I'll go into Biology of some sort. B. Science offers many jobs depending on what you want to specialise in as...
  5. S

    Required Subjects for Uni Courses - help!

    Hey I was just wondering that if you complete the required subjects for a uni course if you are still eligible if you get a low mark ( ie below 50% ) as long as you fullfill the requirements of the course. Also when it says "assumed knowledge" will they consider you for selection even if you...
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    HELP, please!

    Or if you did do the courses does it matter what mark you get ? hello - I'll try posting in another forum and see if I get any answers, I'll paste you the link ok.
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    HELP, please!

    Yeah someone help us ?
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    HELP, please!

    hmm I thought it was a REQUIRMENT ? maybe that's in Qld only ? no wait I remember my careers advisor saying they don't consider you if you don't have the subjects needed. I wanted to do it at Griffith ( not the greatest uni ) in Qld then maybe change to UQ, but now I'll have to settle for UNE or...
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    HELP, please!

    Hello I just need some info quickly, so I can re-assure myself. I wasn't eligible for some of my courses I applied for in Qld because I didn' achieve a "high enough level" in maths... I did 2U maths and got 40%. However to my knowledge as long as you complete the course, ie do all the...
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    Top of the State Achievers

    look it doesn't really matter
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    Top of the State Achievers

    Yeah but even if you knew someone, how would -they- know they topped the state ? ( Are they notified ? )
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    Top of the State Achievers

    how did you know that ?
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    NOT HAPPY JAN..!!!My day has gotten bad to worse!

    shit, that's very close... I'm impressed.
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    NOT HAPPY JAN..!!!My day has gotten bad to worse!

    wildo - get back here we're all waiting
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    Naturally smart

    good stuff
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    Naturally smart

    quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by sepul How about, any of you punks that disagrees with me, give me your address and we'll "talk" it over in person...
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    Naturally smart

    Yeah it is insecurity, I'm currently averaging 15-25% in all of my subjects. But like I said it's not so much what you say, it's also how you say it, the people here have NO MODESTY about them at all, and in the real world people won't stand for this shit. How about, any of you punks that...
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    Naturally smart

    spin - sure they look at uni qualifications, but you're a fool if you think that your UAI will limit you into what course you can do. Two easy ways of getting in: Mature age and, do a lower course for a year, get D's or HD's and your UAI will get re-scaled into the high 90's ( not sure of the...
  19. S

    Naturally smart

    umm, spin spin sugar, my poor deer, my point was that since this thread is filled with people talking about how "good" then that must be the point of the discussion, heh why didn't you realise that ? And yeah, employeers want someone capable but hardworking. There are many capable people out...