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  1. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Yes that's what I mean - exam marks ( the assessment marks come from the exam, depending on your rank ) What I am saying is, the school assessment marks are useless in determining the UAI.
  2. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    First, I didn't say you said assessment marks were comparable across schools - I said this as to why they are useless. And yes in my first post I mentioned I had a copy of UAI seeker, but I just wanted to see if it was accurate. If I put in Chem: 70 Bio: 86 IT: 82 Maths:20 English...
  3. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    What! that is pathetic. Assessment marks mean nothing anyway - they aren't comparable across schools. Also in the UAI seeker, if I put chem as 70, it scales to 66 - the best of all my courses. If I put IT in as 80 it gets scales down to about the same. Anyway I plan on getting 60%+ in...
  4. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    I wouldn't have a clue what my final assessment mark came out to me, I'll estimate tho' ( This is all raw, not scaled ) Chem - 55 - 65% Maths - 15 - 25 % English - 60- - 70% Bio - 80 - 90% Thanks
  5. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Only 10 - that was my mistake. Chem - 31/42 2U maths - Very very last out of 66 Bio - 3/49 IT - In the trial I got 75% which came to be 6/28 English ( Standard ) - 23/123
  6. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Hello, I know I'll get a very bad result in 2U maths ( 20% ) and I have a copy of the UAI seeker, but according to that if I do well in my other subjects I can still get a decent UAI. I just find it hard to believe that with such a bad/low 2U maths result I can still get a good UAI - is...
  7. S

    my solutions, all questions

    heh yeah, you sure the probability anwers are correct tho' ?
  8. S

    Estimate your mark --->

    heh 20% at best ? "But i know for sure that UAC scales your final HSC mark for calculation of your UAI" Close but not quite, UAC doesn't scale the HSC marks, UAC scales the raw marks.
  9. S

    Estimate your mark --->

    heh 20% at best ? "But i know for sure that UAC scales your final HSC mark for calculation of your UAI" Close but not quite, UAC doesn't scale the HSC marks, UAC scales the raw marks.
  10. S

    what would be raw mark 4 band6??

    yeah got it backwards bud
  11. S

    Wtf Was That?!? Rage In Here!!!

    I'll be lucky with say 20% - I'm seriously no exaggeration. You think it will scale much at all ?
  12. S

    numbering the Q

    Yeah, I'm sure they come across heaps of this kinda stuff each year.
  13. S

    numbering the Q

    hehe - it's fair. Everyone was complaining about how the exams are supposed to be different each year and mix it up, but really this IS mixing it up - who expected this ? Easy - Yeah looks good on HSC results but doesn't make your UAI any higher because it's based on rankings.
  14. S

    numbering the Q

    nah - I'm sure they'd realise that there is no section III Q 3 - they'd read it then put it in the right pile. I hope they realise that my messy roman numeral II is refering to "2" as in "Section II" that I put on the front of the answer book - the exam supervisor even said "What's this" and...
  15. S

    That 's why we get scaled down

    Correct, only UAC scales the marks to calculate the UAI. The BOS scales the marks that go on your HSC results.
  16. S

    That 's why we get scaled down

    again you're not being clear enough. Everyone ( yes even the people with the mean mark ) would get scaled up by the BOS. And if you got above the mean, then UAC wouldn't scale you down as much as someone that got the mean mark.
  17. S

    Any annoyances during the exam ?

    hmm my school only has yr 11/12 so no little kiddies to annoy us, although the occasional uni student would walk past the hall and be talking, which was a bit annoying. There was this guy that suffered from chronic sniffing near me, too.
  18. S

    That 's why we get scaled down

    I think people are getting confused. A distinction needs to be made between a raw or scaled mark of 64 and 69 - I'd agree that these were the BOS scaled mean marks, so the raw marks would be much lower. LaZy_KoReAn - If you get 69% as a raw mark the BOS will scale that up. When talking...
  19. S

    numbering the Q

    er, it was Section I Q 1 and Section II Q 2 was it not ? For consumerism I put Section III Q10. I did this and I'm sure it's correct, and the exam supervisor said it's right.