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  1. S

    Naturally smart

    Ok, so you admit the discussion is about these people talking them selfs up/generally being up themselfs.
  2. S

    Naturally smart

    lol fool, that was an obvious use of sarcasm
  3. S

    Naturally smart

    Ok, refer to the "Naturally smart" thread - there's a specific example* * wholly fuck, that's the thread we're in! You don't seem so smart.
  4. S

    Naturally smart

    I didn't mention Ms 12, I just said a lot of people that have posted in this thread are fucking up themselfs.
  5. S

    Naturally smart

    oh we did ? sorry I'll try harder "fuk yeh sik bro i am soo smart i mean i do num study but still am like the best in my class!!!!!"
  6. S

    Naturally smart

    fuck yes
  7. S

    Naturally smart

    That's because you've been institutionalised. I'm sure if I show this thread ( and have ) to people outside of this forum they agree with me. It doesn't matter how "good" you think you are, or how good you really are - it's how they SAY it.
  8. S

    Naturally smart

    maturity huh You call, bragging about how good you think you are to all your net friends mature ? I can appreciate this post has some good points worth reading, I was only commenting on the excessive bragging that has been going on.
  9. S

    Naturally smart

    How about, you all get over yourselfs ? Serious you can't see how fucking up yourself most of you ( not all ) sound when you say this shit, it's pathetic and disgusts me.
  10. S

    How does aligning in chem work?

    new1 - only aligned.
  11. S

    How does aligning in chem work?

    70-80 raw mark will (should) get scaled a fair bit.
  12. S

    its over

    umm we are ? hence why all of the threads here are stopped.
  13. S

    The Human Story

    heh how about you get the ball rolling ? I used the out of africa hypothesis, I used mitochondrial DNA evidence, transitional fossils ( most found in africa ) and the genetic diversity of the native african's is the greatest of any group ( had the longest time to accumulate the diversity )...
  14. S

    Did I just sit a Bio exam?

    I agree it did have a couple of questions that were a bit too english-orientated but not that many. As for the time - I was RUSHING to finish my 7 marker on the human story - I always take a lot of time and think very carefully about stuff in bio, but it's not like I'm shit at bio either (...
  15. S

    Candaditure performance and school rank.

    flyin' - I was only entering one number. Laz - Say if I put as the assessment marks "85 80 60 70" then to the corresponding exam marks "80 85 70 60" then the "moderated mark" comes out to be 85, 80 60 and 70 - exactly the same as the assessment marks.
  16. S

    Who saw 60 minutes feedback last week ?

    Yeah, I find it easy to predict channel 10 and 9's perspective very easily ( conservative )
  17. S

    Alignment VS scaling

    Well I don't know about that it will work out for the "best"- if so then everyone that finished highschool would be "successful" But if you mean in terms of UAC screwing you over - don't worry they won't.
  18. S

    Who saw 60 minutes feedback last week ?

    Yeah I hate all forms of mainstream media as well, but I still watch it, I watch it to see how they can manipulate things - and how they go about doing it. It's interesting and funny how easy some people can get sucked in to it, but you can usually get a reasonably accurate picture if you watch...
  19. S

    Who saw 60 minutes feedback last week ?

    Yeah From the bit I saw, they just showed the clip where that guy said "I'm not very stressed, and I think I'm getting stressed about that" - and made it out as if no students were stressing ? That's what I made out from the tiny bit I saw.