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  1. S

    Who saw 60 minutes feedback last week ?

    I was just wondering what the feed back to the HSC story was the week before, I saw a GLIMPSE of it but not much, could someone explain it please if they saw it ? I'm very curious
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    Candaditure performance and school rank.

    I don't think I'm using it right, either that or it's fucked up. Each assessment mark/exam mark line is seperate from the next right ? Because when I enter all of the collums full it changes the values of some of them when I just have the top two filled in.
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    Candaditure performance and school rank.

    hmm I'll check it out now...
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    Alignment VS scaling

    What you have to remember is that the UAI is a rank, and the marks are used ( raw marks ) to assign the relative difference between the students, but yeah if there is a particularly hard exam, students will have lower marks and the scaling for that course will be higher than if it was an easy...
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    Candaditure performance and school rank.

    france, haha Yeah I like how it's done, although it does place a lot of pressure on the HSC exams, because that's the only true marker to compare students.
  6. S

    NOT HAPPY JAN..!!!My day has gotten bad to worse!

    And also - Make sure you select the 2002 calculation if you want to compare it to what your cousin got last year.
  7. S

    Any annoyances during the exam ?

    why, simple isn't it ? stuff = good
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    The Three Year RUle

    Is it three years ? I know in bio it's 5 - where they have to examine certain dot points over the 5 year period, meaning there will be a lot still common in each exam. At the moment I'm going over the '01 and '02 exams and preparing answers for the multiple mark Q's
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    Any annoyances during the exam ?

    yeah you're right, MiDgEt03 - stuff is pretty good.
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    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Thanks but - if you've been reading I was attempting to explain this to others - I understand it perfectly. And I've already sat and test, and went very badly.
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    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Yeah I've thought to myself that I have to get my UAI on 8 units, essentially. I'm a bit disappointed at that.... UAI seeker tells me a different story - but the reason I started this thread was to see if it was still accurate with me putting in 20% for maths.
  12. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Also, RageRunner - what do you think I'll get ? Keeping in mind I really did not study much for trails/assessments ( except for bio ) - these will be my best prepared exams.
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    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    No i just went badly in maths, I'll get maybe, 20% in the HSC, heh, but what I'm asking is, if I do good in my other subjects can I still get a good/decent UAI. ( 70-75 ) krissy - school assessment marks mean nothing in determining your final mark, only in terms of rank. And, I know I...
  14. S

    Candaditure performance and school rank.

    ok, thanks. Yeah when I said "scaling" I meant assessment mark moderation.
  15. S

    Any annoyances during the exam ?

    yes kids do tend to play sports on those ovals i like stuff
  16. S

    Candaditure performance and school rank.

    I know that if your year performes well in a subject ( above state average ) then you will all benefit from better scaling, but what happens if only say, the top 10% of your year performes really really well, will they be brought down and pull everyone else up, or will they only benefit from...
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    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Sorry you're wrong, refer to this post if you don't believe me: If then you STILL don't get it, ask Laz.
  18. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    Also jm1234567890, would you mind having an estimate at what my UAI may be.
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    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    I don't think you fully understand what I mean... Rank DETERMINES what your "HSC assessment mark" will be. In class school assessment marks mean NOTHING in terms of your final HSC result, only rank ( As I have explained above )
  20. S

    Will my maths result KILL my UAI ?!

    I know this - you're just not understanding what I'm saying. I'm saying the mark you get in school assessments is meaningless, it just depends on your rank. This rank then determines your "School Assessment" mark For example I could average 50% in a subject and be placed 5/50, now when...